Well, the museum opens for 2009 today and there's been a lot of hard work going on to get the doors open, particularly with the scaffolding only coming down on Monday. The next stage will be to paint the frontage as it now looks rather tatty from months of roof works. We'd like to especially thank volunteers Claire Meehan and Jane Chatterton who both came in to help with the daunting task of cleaning the museum in readiness for the opening. Much appreciated!
Graham is now exhausted as he sprained his foot last week (falling over some dust sheets) but has been rushing around to get some new displays in place. Here is a photo of his foot for all those sprained foot fetishists out there.
we didn't leave the dustsheet on the stairs on purpose! we made it up by moving some bulky gear. and we have worked quite hard to ensure the scaffold would be down before the museum opened today.
Just wanted to send my sympathy.
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