Greetings again. The wrist is feeling a little unpleasant at the moment as I have been spending the last few days photographing, cataloguing, and digitally correcting dozens of images.
Firstly, there is a large collection of Black Pullet silks and cross stitch charts that have been in the store room for years. Luckily they survived the flood because I brought them upstairs to try to sort them out last year. The Black Pullet tapestries are on display upstairs in the museum and we have some written pages of the magic attributed to each of them as well as the silks and charts. They depict 20 magic talismans and rings from a pyramid in Egypt. These are all now photographed and collated in 3 box files and, as with the books in the library, are now available, by appointment, for perusal by anyone with an interest in the subject.
We also have 3 boxes of Doreen Valiente's scrapbooks which have kindly been loaned to us for photographing and cataloguing. The scrapbooks are extremely fragile and the sticky tape is coming off a lot of the cuttings so Graham did not want to outsorce the copying. He has a background in photography so he has competently set up the camera and stand and we're very pleased with how the pics are turning out. I have just completed 1 scrapbook which contained 91 images. Only 40 more books to go in this batch. Graham just told me there are more to come. Should keep us busy for a while.
I think we'll have to get one of those round ergonometrically designed mouses (is that the correct grammar?) to assist in the RSI control.
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