Greetings and Happy Yule to you all. We've had a great year at the museum thanks to all your support. Although the year got off to a slow start, the summer season more than made up for that. We've experimented with winter opening which was great in November, not so great in early December, but has picked up again over this Xmas - New Year holiday period. We will be closing after New Year so that Graham can start on some renovations upstairs in the "Protection" area.
I promised a piccy of Lee & Hannah's new addition to their family so here is little Lucinda looking very gorgeous at our Solstice gathering. She's obviously getting heavily involved in the festivities here!
By the way (for those who were interested in Jo O'Claireidgh's talk on Egypt at the Friends' gathering), he mentioned a fabulous weaving centre in Egypt where children make amazing tapestries called the Wissa Wassef Centre. I noticed in Resurgence magazine that there is an exhibition on in London from Jan to March next year. Info is on their website www.wissa-wassef-arts.com. I'm definitely going to check it out.