The work in "Protection" is coming along a treat with the cabinet from the Tank Museum being split in two, the top half being used as is, & the bottom half being sliced up to extend the cabinets around the corner. Confused? Check the pic for clarification. Martin is doing a fab job despite parts of his body being removed at an alarming rate - don't worry it's only teeth & moles.
Work is also going full steam ahead in other parts of Boscastle. The Youth Hostel restoration is about to start which means that around four big blue workmen's cabinets are go
ing to be placed outside the museum by the river. See left. They will probably be there till August so if you come to see us don't be put off. We're still opening at Easter as usual.

The new website selling prints of artworks from the Richel Collection is now online and up and running. More details on that later. Have a look and see what you think. You can find it at www.theoccultartcompany.co.uk.
Will be back soon with more updates on the action at the museum.