We hope everyone has a fabulous Yule Fest. The museum may open tomorrow December 25 for a few hours in the middle of the day so if you're around do pop in. The AGM went very well and we voted to change the date so next year will be earlier - we'll announce this when the date has been finalised. Thanks to Willow Moon in Tintagel who had collected around £75 for Friends of the museum during the year. We also raised around £90 through the raffle. More news and pics soon.
The Museum is currently rated in the top three visitor attractions in Cornwall by Tripadvisor. Come visit us and find out why we're so popular!"
Friday, December 24, 2010
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
AGM Report
What a fab weekend was had by all at our latest AGM & Get Together. It was sad that quite a number of Friends were unable to attend due to the weather but we hope to see you next year. Speakers included Professor Martin Smith from Bournemouth University who spoke on the research he's been carrying out on 'Harriett', the tarred skull. His talk was exceptionally well illustrated with moving CAT Scan pictures of Harriet and the feedback from attendees was very positive. Then John Smart spoke on the history of The Regency & The Royal Windsor Coven which was enlightening and we look forward to his future writings on the subject. Joyce Froome (museum historian) spoke on Magic in Christianity - inspired by the museum's new exhibition then Judith Noble spoke on Kenneth Anger & 'Luciferian London', showing his short film 'Invocation of My Demon Brother'. The AGM followed where trustees were re-elected and we welcome a new member to the team, Nick Miller. Some changes were agreed, the main one being changing the date of the next AGM so the museum can wind up for the year earlier and also so Boscastle will be more open (ie shops etc) when people come down to visit. More on exact dates later.
The day was wound up with a showing of the fab new video of the museum which was done by Tom Chick & Flo Kennard who won a competition to film it. Tom came down from Edinburgh to be there for the launch and answer questions. The film can be viewed here .
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Friends Weekend
Busy with preparations for the Friends weekend. We're heavily booked this year so hoping we can fit everyone in. Meeting in the Welly bar Friday evening fro drinks before Saturday's full day of talks. We'll also have tarot readings Saturday evening courtesy of Eileen Blacklock. Remember this is a Friends of the Museum event - non Friends are welcome but will need to join on the day. It's cold here but no snow at the moment. See you soon maybe.
Monday, November 08, 2010
Thanks to Merlyn and the organisers of Witchfest - we had a great day at the event promoting Friends of The Museum of Witchcraft and selling products to raise money for the museum. We met some great people there as well! Graham's new stand design was a hit especially when I was trying to put it up and take it down. Great amusement for anyone watching! The main raffle prize on the day was a private tour of the museum for one person plus 12 of their friends. The lucky winners will have Graham King take them behind the scenes to see the archives and learn the stories behind some of the artifacts. This prize is going to be offered at some events next year to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the museum (50yrs in Boscastle).
Occult Art back to business
Apologies to anyone who has been trying to order on The Occult Art Company website. I've just updated the site and we've had a problem in one part of it - ie it's been telling customers we're not shipping to their area. This problem has been rectified so you should be OK to order as normal. Postage costs are included in the prices on the site so it may appear that prices have increased but this is not the case - extra postage & packaging costs will not be added at the checkout. International buyers are asked to email us for international postage rates. We hope to have this step removed soon but in the meantime, just give me an email & I'll get back to you asap.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Closed for 2010
Well another year of hot museum action is over as we shut the doors until April 2011. We're going to be having a break over the Yule season and then back to spruce up the museum and get ready for the 50th Anniversary of the museum opening in Boscastle and the 60th Anniversary since the museum first opened its doors on the Isle of Man in 1951. See you next year!!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friends weekend Rooms
Two double rooms have become availble at The Welly for the Friends weekend. PLease phone 01840 250202 to book at £25.00 per person B & B.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
New Website
Very exciting stuff - our new website has gone live today! You are now able to search documents, read the guidebook, and go straight to The Occult Art Company to make some museum related purchases. More later but go and check it out and tell us what you think - www.museumofwitchcraft.com
Sunday, October 17, 2010
latest news
Apologies for minimal blogging recently - have been having trouble getting into the programme from my computer so have only been able to do snippets from my computer. A fair bit of action has been happening in the last few weeks - we've had artist Mat Chivers down working on drawings for an upcoming exhibition he's having in January at the Maddox Gallery in Mayfair in January 2011. He's chosen some interesting pieces - a dark mirror, scrying ball, and Golden Dawn staff so far. I've popped in a photo of Mat working in the library. His work has been largely sculptural until recently. You can see some of his art at his website www.matchivers.com .
I've been off at a couple of stalls recently - firstly the witchmarket in Glastonbury (organised by Adrian Bryn-Evans) which went very well and may become an annual event. Here's a pic of the stall showing rather creased tablecloth and our membership secretary who also sells her own amber & jet necklaces and homemade soaps. I also had a preview of Adele Clough's new B & B 'The Covenstead' which promises to be a fabulous witchy venue to stay in when visiting Glastonbury. Yesterday I went along to the Cornwall antiquarian Society meeting in Helston which was a little quieter but they had some excellent speakers including Jason Semmens and Paul Broadhurst. Our next appearance will be at London's Witchfest where four of the Trustees of friends will be there with the Museum and Occult Art Company stall to sell Museum items and answer people's questions.
Joyce and I will be up at the Moot With No Name (organised by Geraldine Beskin of Atlantis Books) on November 24th where Joyce will speak on her new book 'Wicked Enchantments' about the Pendle Witch Trials and I will be her beautiful assistant (cough).
Work on the anniversary book is coming along nicely after a weird hiccup within the Indesign programme we are using - kept crashing for some reason - maybe it doesn't like witches - but Graham seems to have sorted it out with help from the Adobe team and it's full steam ahead from here on in. I have a couple of printers in mind but I may be on the lookout for a good copy editor who would be willing to volunteer to check the book before it finally goes to production. More news soon as I seem to have fixed my blogger problem.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Post cards response
A big thank you goes to Robert Tims who has responded to our request for the Horned postcard - it will now be able to appear in next year's anniversary book
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Request for post card
We would like to use an image from one of the old post cards in our book next year and we don't have a good enough example. Does anyone have a copy of this post card or a high res scan to send us? We will return it if you send the original. Thanks
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Occult Reliquary
We have just received a few extra copies of the Deluxe edition of the Occult Reliquary. They are possibly the last ones we will be getting and these have been selling very quickly. They are available on http://www.theoccultartcompany.co.uk/ until sold out.
Recent Book Donation
Thanks to a Friend of the Museum who recently donated three fabulous books to our library. They are: Diabolical Liberties, Ballads of Good and Evil from the hand of Daniel; Amrita; and a rather fabulous leather bound edition of The Horseman's Word. We believe more are on the way.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Mother Shipton Missing
Either a very brave or a very stupid person has stolen a Mother Shipton statue from her perch in the Images section of the museum. We're not sure how long she's been gone but most things stolen from us return sooner or later due to strange happenings to the thief. So beware if you see one on ebay - it may or may not be ours. I attach a photograph of the missing statue and the spot where she once stood.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Occult Art Website Down
Those of you wanting to purchase online museum goods over the wekkend may have to check back in a day or two as the website is undergoing some work - while the host is being changed over the site will be downm but we hope to get it back up asap. This is all gearing up for a new look website in the very near future.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
A Walk Through The Occult Reliquary
Graham is so happy with how The Occult Reliquary has turned out he's made a video outlining the contents.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
West Country Witches
We are keenly awaiting the new book by Mike Howard, 'West Country Witches', which is due out next month. It is being published by Three Hands Press who have just launched 'The Occult Reliquary' for The Museum of Witchcraft. In this book Mike examines the witchcraft and sorcery practised by historical witches, charmers, cunning folk and pellars of Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Dorset and Wiltshire and also the faery lore of these counties. Should be a good read!
Stolen Guide Books
Very busy in the museum at the moment as you can imagine so it was really irritating to discover that someone had stolen our large print guide books yesterday. We provide the guides for those who have difficulty with reading small print as part of our programme to be as accessible as possible for those with a disability. Graham had to spend most of the day redoing the guides as they had disappeared from the computer. I wonder how long it will take for them to be returned - most things that are stolen from the museum are returned quite soon - I have no idea why!!:)))
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
The Occult Reliquary
The long awaited Occult Reliquary featuring images and artifacts from the Richel Eldermans Collection has arrived and is available from the museum or from The Occult Art Company. The Special and Deluxe versions have sold out (although we may have another small allocation in 2 weeks time) but we have a number of standard editions available at £84.00 each. They are selling very fast so, if you are interested, get your order in quickly to avoid disappointment.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Occult Reliquary Released
Hoorah!! The Occult Reliquary (book featuring the Richel Eldermans images) has arrived in store at the Museum. Th collection comes from the Netherlands and the images mainly relate to ritual/sex magic along with mandrakes, pendulums and secret societies. The Special Edition sold out before its release but ther are some deluxe & standard editions avaialble from the Museum & shortly online at The Occult Art Company. I'll pop some photos on shortly.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The Occult Reliquary
Just had news that the much anticipated book 'The Occult reliquary' has just been shipped from the US & hopefully will be with us in a couple of weeks.
This book by Three Hands Press is based around the Richel Eldermans collection of images. The Special Edition has already sold out. Those who have preordered their copies will receive notification as soon as they arrive.
Wicked Enchantments Review
Graham found a review of Joyce's book on Tara Hanks' website & thought you might like to take a look.
here 'tis
Thursday, July 22, 2010
US students
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Knit for a spell
We're thinking of doing a few videos to put on the site so this is our first try to see if it works. It's a piece about the glass knitting needles in the museum, a bit about how you use them, how to get them. We'll be doing more if people find them interesting.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Trigg Morris Men come to Boscastle
On the 8th JULY 2010 Trigg Morris will be in BOSCASTLE at THE NAPOLEON INN at 8pm then on the BRIDGE at 9pm. The MUSIC & SINGING SESSION will follow at THE COBWEB.
They look forward to seeing both old and new friends and supporters.
New Book Donations
Two authors have recently donated their latest books to the museum library. Emma Wilby’s book ‘The Visions of Isobel Gowdie’ includes a full transcript of the Scottish witch Isobel Gowdie’s famous, but often misunderstood, confession. It also contains a wealth of other material such as examples of fairy lore in trial records. Like Emma’s previous book, ‘Cunning Folk and Familiar Spirits’, it is a fascinating and insightful study, and explores the connections between early modern magic and shamanic traditions.
After reading about Joyce’s book, Mary Sharratt, who lives near Pendle, has sent us her novel ‘Daughters of the Witching Hill’, which tells the story of the Pendle case from the point of view of two of the suspects, Elizabeth Southerns and her granddaughter Alizon Device. It is a moving account, which conveys the toughness and resourcefulness of cunning folk, and contains some wonderfully evocative and convincing descriptions of magic. Mary has also posted an atmospheric documentary filmed at Pendle on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBQMzRkeTiI&feature=related
Thank you, Emma and Mary!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
T shirts Summer Sale Online
Fans of the Museum of Witchcraft T shirt can now get a reduced rate online for V necks - normally £12.00 down to £10.00 & there is free postage on all T shirts for the summer too.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Busy Painting
Graham took advantage of a fine weekend to do a bit of retouching to the outer door. Here he is, brush in hand, preparing the surface for his upcoming artistic skills.
Friday, June 04, 2010
Wicked Enchantments Launch bash
Here are a few photos of Joyce's book launch last Saturday. We had around 45 people attending - a glass of wine on arrival followed by a 30 minute talk by Joyce & her glamorous assistant Kerriann in the upstairs gallery, then onto The Wellington Hotel for a bevvie & a meal. Quite a number of her books were sold to the adoring public so we can't wait to hear what they think. Thanks to Harbour Lights cafe across the car park for lending us their chairs. Deborah, the membership secretary for Friends, came down to help out in the booth on the day. We'll soonn be selling some of her fabulous amber & jet necklaces in the shop along with her herbal bath products. We aslo have some interesting publishing ideas of our own - we'll keep you posted when things are happening.
Thanks to Beltane Bash Attendees
Just want to say a big thank you to Dee Pearce (who was responsible for coordinating the fundraiser for Friends of the Museum) & all those who attended last weekend's Beltane Bash in London. Fifty pounds was raised thanks to the generosity of the attendees. This will go towards the upkeep of the archives in the museum. Hoorah!!!:))
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Countdown to Wicked Enchantments Cornwall Launch
Joyce is getting very excited about her Museum book launch on Saturday night - remember she'll be signing books throughout the day & giving a talk at the museum at 630pm followed by an informal gathering & witchy menu Saturday night at The Welly Hotel in the upper gallery.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Generous donor gives books to Library
Attached is a photo of the books donated to us by 'a generous donor from the west coast of the U.S.' Thank you for your generous donation!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Saturday, May 08, 2010
Altar Box For Sale
We have been asked to notify people of the sale of a beautiful 'portable' altar that is for sale. The measurements are:
Wide 37 inches (94 cm) x high 19 inches (48 cm) x deep 19 inches (48 cm)
I have attached two photos of the altar. One is closed and the other is open and shows all the storage space
that was used for everything needed at an open ritual. There is a photo of it being used in the museum. The altar has been in constant use by the House of the Old Ways since it was first purchased in the 1980s.
The guide price is £150 but the owners are open to offers as they are interested in it going to a good home.
It is no light weight and the buyer would have to collect it form the Glastonbury area. Please email houseoftheoldways@talktalk.net for details if you are interested.
Sian Thomas' Poem as Promised
Spirit Bottle
Here is a body,
a container
of the correct proportions,
a little long perhaps,
a little thin.
Here are sinews,
muscles, bones,
coils and strings
of red and white;
hard, turned sticks
and ivory dowels;
the threads of veins.
Here is a centre,
a lump of a heart
to jig, to flex,
for the rhythm
in the dancing.
Here are lungs,
to squeeze,
to wheeze,
airbags, a throat
for the singing.
Here everything moves,
quivers, pulses,
trills, resounds.
Here’s a home for a spirit,
fill it, fill it.
Sunday, May 02, 2010
A most unpleasant experience greeted Hannah & Graham as they opened the museum on Friday - someone had placed a rather 'well-thumbed' (so to speak) pornographic magazine through the letter box. Graham will be going through the CCTV footage to see if he can discover the culprit & he is considering reinstating the web cam. The police have been informed as we do with any untoward activity like this and they have been very supportive and are keeping an eye out on their patrols. It occurred between 8 and 9 am Friday morning. There are some very strange people out there!
Cauldron Magazine
The latest edition of Mike Howard's fabulous Cauldron magazine has an article on Cecil Williamson & The Museum of Witchcraft written by our very own Graham King. There is also a glowing review of The Occult Reliquary which is the book published by Three Hands Press relating to The Richel-Eldermans Collection. The Cauldron is always a fascinating read & this edition is even more so - or is it that I'm biased.
Joyce's Lancaster Book Launch
April 17 was a busy day for all at the museum as we had Scarlett Imprint's launch of Dartura in the museum itself & Joyce Froome, our historian, had her very own book launch up in Pendle. Joyce's book 'Wicked Enchantments' focuses on The Pendle Witches and the magic used in their era.
Here is a photo of Joyce with Jacqui Leviston. Jacqui was one of the people behind the Lancashire Witch Project,which organised a touring exhibition about the Pendle Witches.When the exhibition was over they kindly donated some of their displays to The Museum of Witchcraft.They also arranged for a plaque commemorating the witches to be put up in Lancaster's Golden Lion Hotel.
We're planning a book launch for Joyce in the museum - probably 29th May. We'll let you know when the date is finalised. 'Wicked Enchantments' will shortly be available form the museum or online at The Occult Art Company.
Here is a photo of Joyce with Jacqui Leviston. Jacqui was one of the people behind the Lancashire Witch Project,which organised a touring exhibition about the Pendle Witches.When the exhibition was over they kindly donated some of their displays to The Museum of Witchcraft.They also arranged for a plaque commemorating the witches to be put up in Lancaster's Golden Lion Hotel.

We're planning a book launch for Joyce in the museum - probably 29th May. We'll let you know when the date is finalised. 'Wicked Enchantments' will shortly be available form the museum or online at The Occult Art Company.
Poet in Residence
For the last week we've the lovely Sian Thomas as 'poet in residence' for the Museum of Witchcraft. Sian, who has also been poet in residence at Tunbridge Wells Museum, hails from East Sussex and has quite a body of work behind her. She has been published in Agenda and The Telegraph & won the Chapter One competition last year. She chose our museum because "it's so amazing and is such an inspiration". She has been sitting up near the goddess display chatting with gusts and getting inspiration for future poems. You can read more about Sian & some of her work on her blog http://www.wealdwife.blogspot.com/ . When asked what display inspired her most she found it hard to pin down but said she felt most moved by a small bird wrapped lovingly in a blanket which was found in the beams above someone's bed. I'm hoping to post one of Sian's poems here in the near future.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Farewell Iain Steele
It was with great sadness we recently learnt of the passing to spirit of Iain Steele, a man well know in witch circles especially in Wales. Iain was a true gentleman and was recently involved in promoting the art of the pagan world with his Ludlow Conference for the Society of Pagan Arts. We have lit a candle in our shrine for him. He will be sadly missed. Merry meet & merry part & merry meet again.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
A Reply to Anna
Magical Sign

Steve Patterson has carved a fabulous sign for the new Christian Magic display. Here he is looking suitably serious holding the sign. Steve is well known for his one off carvings, copper & bone athames, dark scrying mirrors & tarot boxes. His work is available at the museum and we will soon be making pieces available on The Occult Art Company website.
Wicked Enchantments Launch
Hoorah ! Joyce Froome's book 'Wicked Enchantments' is to be launched ,at the Pendle Heritage Centre, Pendle Lancashire next Saturday April 17th from 2:00 till 4:00PM. There will be tea and cake! & Joyce will be doing a short talk - "without my glamorous assistant, alas!!" She'll also be taking along some magical objects (wand, scrying mirror etc.). There are more details on the publishers' website http://www.pendlewitchesbook.co.uk/. The book will soon be available through the museum and The Occult Art Company online.
Friday, April 02, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Action packed weekend

It was certainly a hive of activity in the museum over the weekend with the lovely Simon Costin designing and putting together our new window display. Simon is an internationally renowned art director and we're so happy he was able to come down and spruce up our window. He made the fab crow by hand and we love the whole new look! I believe there may be a piece of chiffon in the mail as a finishing touch to the cauldron. It was also Simon's birthday so we hope he had a good time. Here is a pic of the crow in action and some before & after shots of the window in question. We also have the lovely Spencer & Craig & Roger in the museum wielding paintbrushes & drills as they helped with the finishing touches before the museum opens. Here are a few pics of them as well.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Thanks to Philippa & Angela

Graham has been kept on his toes over the last weekend as two volunteers came down to help with preparations for the museum's 2010 season. They worked really hard & made a big difference - painting, drilling, moving objects around, putting skirting boards up ............ the list goes on. Here is a pic of them moving the witch balls from the front window in readiness for Simon Costin coming down this weekend to do the new window display. Only 2 weeks to opening - we hope you lime the new displays & the new lighting.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Modern Witchraft

Had a lovely day yesterday rearranging some of the modern witchcraft display, mainly the Stewart Farrar & Brownie Pate section. It's such a privilege to handle the magical objects that once belonged to such interesting people ad know they are being cared for in a respectful environment. As you may know Graham has donated all the artifacts in the museum to the Trust for the Preservation of the Boscastle Museum of Witchcraft so the collection will always remain together. Here I am with Brownie's elf doll - one of my favourite artifacts.
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Volunteers Respond
Our first volunteer turned up for duty today and was busy waxing & polishing some new cabinets for the 'Images' display as PF conference attendees came to visit. Though not officially open it is a tradition at allow PF visitors to have a look around the museum on the Sunday after the event....it's great to see the same friendly faces each year & indeed some new people as well. Quite a few have decided to join Friends of the Museum now that they see what a benefit it is to the museum.

More volunteers are due to come in next weekend which is greatly appreciated. Here are a couple of photos of Dee performing her magic on the new cabinets.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
New Friends of the Museum Blog
Friends has a new website thanks to Gemma & Jane of Rockpool Arts. It's a much easier to access site & we hope will be more interactive than before. Check out the sire at www.friendsbmw.org.uk
We also have a blog on the site which keeps you up to date on latest Friends info. This can be accessed on:
We hope you like it - let us know!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Hare Today.............
Our lovely hare is moving to a new space in the museum............she will be sitting in the space vacated by the automaton by the stone circle. Graham has been doing a lot of work on the surrounds including moon lighting, mirrors, & plinth. She looks amazing & it's a logical place for a hare to be, by the circle in moonlight. Lovely!
Farewell Automaton
You may remember the lovely
automaton which sat in the area around the stone circle in the museum. Well last weekend we reluctantly returned it to the maker Alan Manktelow over in Eastbourne. As part of our annual revitalisation of the museum, we realised we needed more space in this area, so unfortunately it had to go back. It was refurbished by Alan after the flood as it had been flung around quite a bit & was under water for a time. Alan is looking for a new home for th
e automaton so if anyone has any ideas please contact the museum & we'll put Alan in touch with you. Fare thee well!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Too Much Wind

Just before the end of last year we had a rather full-on wind storm in Boscastle and our fabulous sign 'Selling The Wind' painted by the lovely Vivienne Shanley was blown down and damaged. Graham has had the painting repaired and it will be reframed by Andy of The Old Forge Gallery up the road. It should be reinstated to its usual place above the window of the museum before we reopen at Easter.
This image is available as a greeting card from the museum shop but we have now discontinued the other cards painted by Vivienne. They will be replaced by a new range of cards based on the Richel Eldermans collection, reproduction Good Luck cards and other images from the museum. We did have a small selection last year but should have a larger range for 2010.
Work Begins so Volunteers Prepare for Action
Lots happening at the museum at the moment in readiness for the 2010 season.Graham has started work on installing the new Phillips lighting system which was donated by Friends Thanks to Phillips for supplying a large number of sample bulbs when Graham was researching the project. They should save money in the long run, be more ecologically friendly, and give a better light to the objects. To those volunteers who registered an interest in helping with the installation project, could you please either phone or email Graham at the museum to organise a time to come in and help out - that would be much appreciated.
As well as the lighting there are many other areas where volunteers can help, from cleaning displays to touching up paintwork so please get in touch & we'll slot you in. We are very grateful to all those who help out each year.

Another project happening at the moment is the replacement of some of the glass panels in the front window with panel board so that we can affix browsers for the Richel Eldermans prints. The prints are selling really well online and with the launch of 'The Occult Reliquary' shortly we expect demand to rise. Retail space is limited in the entrance area so we're trying to be creative and utilise the available area to its full capacity. Here is Graham working on the window.
And, exciting news, it looks like Simon Costin, internationally renowned designer and curator of the new Museum of British Folklore, has agreed to design our 2010 front window display. More on that later.
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Work Begins Again
Hannah has done a great job holding the fort over the past couple of months but now it's back to work for Graham as he gets busy in the museum, readying it for opening at Easter. The biggest project is the new lighting which the Friends of the Museum have been so much a part of funding. Graham will shortly be calling on the volunteers who offered assistance at the Friends' December Get Together for practical help in the installation.
The Occult Art Company which sells museum items was extremely busy over xmas with a particular run on the new witch weather vanes, glass knitting needles and the Richel-Eldermans' prints. We are replenishing the prints as we speak so if you've been watching the website our stock levels should be back to normal by mid next week.
The book 'The Occult Reliquary' which relates to the Richel-Eldermans collection is due for publication end March/Early April and pre-orders are coming in quickly. If you would like information on the book or to reserve a copy please email Kerriann at kg@theoccultartcompany.co.uk . Three Hands Press are the publishers of three limited edition versions so we know the quality will be excellent and will become a real collectors' item in the future.
Our historian Joyce Froome's book 'Wicked Enchantments' is getting closer to publication as well. She has been doing talks around Cornwall and London based on the book and has an article in this month's Pagan Dawn. Speaking of Pagan Dawn there is a very good review of the museum's new Ouija Board in there. Graham designed the board based on the Richel - Eldermans images and it's been very popular so far.
That's all for now. More soon.
Hamish Miller
It was with great sadness that we learnt of the passing to spirit of Hamish Miller in January this year. Hamish has been a great friend to Graham & the museum over the years. He was well known through his books on sacred landscapes and dowsing and made the dowsing rods which we sell in the museum. He was also well known for being a thoroughly lovely chap. We send our sympathies Ba & his family & friends. Merry Meet & Merry Part & Merry Meet Again