Saturday, July 10, 2010

Knit for a spell

We're thinking of doing a few videos to put on the site so this is our first try to see if it works. It's a piece about the glass knitting needles in the museum, a bit about how you use them, how to get them. We'll be doing more if people find them interesting.  


  1. That's very interesting! Knitting, weaving and plaiting are all magickal activities and the intent can be locked into the finished item. Then it's either bound there or released, such as described in the video. Glass is indeed a mystical and magical substance and so beautiful. I love those glass knitting needles, they're a bit noisy though! Seldiy Bate

  2. Hi Kerrianne,
    Brilliant video :-)
    Each and every Key Keeper carries it's own little bit of beading and knot magick.
    Love & Gentle Blessings
