Monday, June 28, 2010

New Book Donations

Two authors have recently donated their latest books to the museum library. Emma Wilby’s book ‘The Visions of Isobel Gowdie’ includes a full transcript of the Scottish witch Isobel Gowdie’s famous, but often misunderstood, confession. It also contains a wealth of other material such as examples of fairy lore in trial records. Like Emma’s previous book, ‘Cunning Folk and Familiar Spirits’, it is a fascinating and insightful study, and explores the connections between early modern magic and shamanic traditions.

After reading about Joyce’s book, Mary Sharratt, who lives near Pendle, has sent us her novel ‘Daughters of the Witching Hill’, which tells the story of the Pendle case from the point of view of two of the suspects, Elizabeth Southerns and her granddaughter Alizon Device. It is a moving account, which conveys the toughness and resourcefulness of cunning folk, and contains some wonderfully evocative and convincing descriptions of magic. Mary has also posted an atmospheric documentary filmed at Pendle on YouTube:

Thank you, Emma and Mary!

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