Have just been to a rather fun little museum in Ronda in Andalucia. It has a section on witchcraft which is worth visiting purely to check out the gigantic phallus on the life size Pan statue. I hope to add a photo when I return. I'm unable to download pics at the moment. There was a rather fabulous collection of mandrakes & other herbs and some interesting tableaux of how witches were thought to behave in the middle ages. I cannot sign off without mentioning the rather disturbing phallic dildoe-esque wooden machines which were used for god knows what....the mind boggles.....there was no actual text to describe whether they were used by the witches themselves or by the torturers. I'm sure you'd be able to find them on an S & M website somewhere these days. Quite an eye-waterer I would have thought. There is a mermaid there as well. Quite a place to visit.
The Museum is currently rated in the top three visitor attractions in Cornwall by Tripadvisor. Come visit us and find out why we're so popular!"
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The Dolmen at The AGM
I've been sent some photos of The Dolmen visiting the museum & playing at the AGM last weekend. The pics were taken by Andrew Hartup & his weblink is below. Thanks again to The Dolmen for giving everyone such a fab night of music & merriment & thanks to Andrew for sending the pics.
http://www.holedstonepictures.webeden.co.uk/Thursday, December 11, 2008
Webcam update
We have decided to remove the webcam from this blog until further notice. Of course a camera will remain for security purposes but pictures will not be broadcast on the website probably until next spring/summer. Apologies for any inconvenience.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Happy Yule Fest from The Museum

The museum staff would like to wish everyone a Happy Yule. As I will be taking a break for a short while, Carole (who some of you may know from the museum booth) will be taking the helm & processing your Occult Art Company orders until my return. I will be updating the museum blog occasionally until the museum reopens at Easter.
Monday, December 08, 2008
Friends 'Do' 2008
Well what a great time was had by all this weekend! Back to the fun of old as the Friends of the Museum of Witchcraft had their annual meeting at The Wellington Hotel in Boscastle.
We had some excellent speakers: Joyce Froome (pictured right with Martin), who is the museum's resident historian, gave a talk which is a taster for her new book (coming out next year) entitled Wicked Enchantments. She looks at the Pendle witches of Lancaster and spell casting around the 17th Century. If the talk is anything to go by the book should make fascinating reading.
Professor Ron Hutton of Bristol University gave the second talk of the day on the subject of 'New Thoughts on the Great Witchhunt' which he wrote for this meeting. As always, Ron was a lively and erudite speaker with a fascinating subject. FYI he is also Patron of 'Friends of the Museum of Witchcraft'. Here he is pictured with Graham.
The speakers were followed by the AGM where 4 new Trustees were chosen - more on that later.
The evening was capped off by a performance by the fabulous band 'The Dolmen' who donated their fee to the Friends as they are great supporters of the museum. So thanks dudes. Much bopping and drinking was done for which we paid dearly on Sunday. This did not stop a handful of diehards from attending the annual walk up the valley to visit the headstone of Joan Whytte
& Minster. The rabble are pictured right.
All in all it was a fun weekend and we recommend it for next year. If you would like to become a Friend of the museum please email us for details. More info about it should be coming soon.
Check this out
Gemma Gary has an interesting website which features a bit about the museum. She also has a new book out on the topic of Cornish Witchcraft which is available through her site. Have not read it yet as it's hot off the press but reviews have been positive so far. Let us know if you like it. Access her site through the following link:
Saturday, November 29, 2008
2008 meeting of Friends of the Museum of Witchcraft
Next weekend is the date for the 2008 Friends meeting. Speakers will be Joyce Froome who is the museum's historian, and the ever popular & interesting Professor Ron Hutton. It will be held at The Wellington Hotel on Saturday 6 Dec & drinks will be had at The Wellington on the evening of Friday 5th. Anyone who needs information should contact houseoftheoldways@talktalk.net . Hope to see some of you there & I may have some fab photos of the 'do' next week.
Notice of Devon, Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Pagan Federation Conference 2009
greetings all
just wanted to give a note about next year's Devon, Cornwall & Isles of Scilly PF Conference which will be held on 7 March 2009 at Penstowe Manor, Bude.
The itinerary is as follows:
Friday night (6th March) Quiz and social.
Saturday speakers :
Rae Beth: The Green Hedgewitch
Merv Davey: Devosow Dons Kernow / Ritual Dance of Cornwall
Prudence Jones: The Goddess and the Grail
Damh the Bard: The Awen and Inspiration
Piper: Merv Davey
Competition: Come as a ‘Familiar spirit’!
Saturday night: music and dancing with :
Damh the Bard followed by
DJ Graham Barter: Uplifting & inspiring music.
Tickets: PF members £15, non members £18 available by post or PayPal.
Send SSAE for return of ticket/s with cheque/P.O. made payable to
‘Pagan Federation Devon & Cornwall’. Please include
membership number/s of PF members & names of guests.
Pagan Federation Devon, Cornwall & Channel Isles
(Regional Conference).
PO Box 314, Exeter, Devon, EX4 6YR
Available online: www.paganfederationdevonandcornwall.co.uk
Chalet accommodation and special rates available.
Telephone: 01288 321354
Sponsored by
The Museum of Witchcraft, Boscastle
just wanted to give a note about next year's Devon, Cornwall & Isles of Scilly PF Conference which will be held on 7 March 2009 at Penstowe Manor, Bude.
The itinerary is as follows:
Friday night (6th March) Quiz and social.
Saturday speakers :
Rae Beth: The Green Hedgewitch
Merv Davey: Devosow Dons Kernow / Ritual Dance of Cornwall
Prudence Jones: The Goddess and the Grail
Damh the Bard: The Awen and Inspiration
Piper: Merv Davey
Competition: Come as a ‘Familiar spirit’!
Saturday night: music and dancing with :
Damh the Bard followed by
DJ Graham Barter: Uplifting & inspiring music.
Tickets: PF members £15, non members £18 available by post or PayPal.
Send SSAE for return of ticket/s with cheque/P.O. made payable to
‘Pagan Federation Devon & Cornwall’. Please include
membership number/s of PF members & names of guests.
Pagan Federation Devon, Cornwall & Channel Isles
(Regional Conference).
PO Box 314, Exeter, Devon, EX4 6YR
Available online: www.paganfederationdevonandcornwall.co.uk
Chalet accommodation and special rates available.
Telephone: 01288 321354
Sponsored by
The Museum of Witchcraft, Boscastle
Monday, November 03, 2008
Closed for Winter
Well we had our last day of trading for 2008 yesterday. Business was swift right up to the end of the day despite Joyce freezing in the booth. There was an extremely cold wind whizzing through the front door!! We are hoping to have some building work done on the roof while we're closed - fingers crossed the builders will be available.
Magazines R Us
We've been massively busy over the last few days as we've had a donation of masses of boxes of pagan/witchcraft magazines mainly dating from the 80s and 90s. It's a great collection & thank you to the donor. We're a little daunted as to where they'll all go as we're quickly running out of library shelf space. Graham is ordering more shelves & boxes so we can get them out & then there will be the job of cataloguing. It has been agreed with the donor that any duplicates will be donated elsewhere or sold to raise funds for the library. Thanks also to Liz & Nigel who helped with sorting the magazines on the weekend!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
New silver Hazel Pentacle

The hazel pentacle from the fantastic Dutch Richel Collection has become something of our logo over the past couple of years and we have now commissioned a beautiful silver necklace featuring this design. We have had a pewter version for a few months but many people were asking for silver so we asked a Cornish silver jeweller to make some for us. They have been extremely popular in the short time they have been available & they are now available to purchase on The Occult Art Company website if you can't make it down to buy one in person.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Closing for 2008
The museum will be closing on Monday 3rd Nov 2008 and will reopen Easter 2009. By the way - if you are visiting Boscastle don't be put off by the scaffolding surrounding the building next door. WE definitely are open during our normal hours of 1030 to 1800 Mon - Sat & 1130 to 1800 Sundays.
Thanks Taunton
We'd like to say a huge thank you to Yarrow & the members of Taunton Moot who held a fund raising raffle at their recent Mabon Camp & raised £45.00 for the musem. As you may know the museum receives no government grants & is entirely privately run by Graham so these types of donations are always welcome. Thanks dudes!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Cool Blogsite Discovery
I don't know how many of you have discovered this blogsite but it's definitely worth a look. It has some amazing advertising images collected by an Australian person (not that I'm biased but this makes it even more fabulous). We are obviously extremely jealous as it makes our own 'Images' collection look tiny by comparison. Check it out: Sexy Witch. What fun!
National Trust Activities
Negotiations have been ongoing with the National Trust re the re roofing of the building next door to the museum. As you may be aware the Trust bought the building around 2 years ago to turn into a tea room. They have only now decided to go ahead with the refurbishment of the property after leaving it vacant for this time. Conveniently, they decided to scaffold the entire building next week, along with the front of the museum - while we are still open. Graham has managed to negotiate a 2 week delay to this ill timed activity & they'll be starting work around the end of September instead. It is unclear why they are unable to wait until the end of October when we, & most other businesses here, are closed (especially as they have had 2 years, & 2 winters, to get their act together). Starlings are currently roosting in the ceiling so perhaps this will delay it further.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Baby Seal in the Harbour

Yesterday the seas were very rough around the coastline here which is possibly why a seal chose to have her baby within the confines of Boscastle Harbour. This lovely chap spent most of the day on the slipway soaking up what there was of the sun. There was some worry that the baby had been abandoned so experts were called just to keep an eye on the situation, but around 7:30 last night when the tide had come in sufficiently, the parents appeared and the family was reunited. The little one made a beeline for mum presumably after hearing her call. A most amazing sight. Graham managed to get some lovely shots of the new seal.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Kamikaze Doggle

Graham had a near miss last week when local potter Tim Little's dog Megan had a kamikaze moment & threw herself in front of Graham's motorbike. Luckily Graham was going very slowly as he was coming in to park but Megan, who is normally on her lead due to her insistence on chasing bikes, thought it was a good idea to attack the front wheel. Megan amazingly only has a gash on her leg & is recovering well. Graham, who fell off, has some minor knee damage. The bike has some minor damage as well. Megan is now trotting around the village looking very cute in her red leg bandage & plastic neck piece. Hopefully she'll think twice before launching herself at a moving vehicle again.
Wild Weather

We've had some rather massive seas over the last few days, particularly on Monday 18th August when we had some huge tides & big winds. One of the boats in the harbour was flipped over & another had its keel damaged.
I've added a few photos of the wild watery event. The Coastguards were called out mainly to keep people away from the unpredictable seas. Waves were coming over the outer breakwater & up the slipways. Very atmospheric!

Monday, August 11, 2008
New Books Acquired

The next is 'Witches Frolic' (1888) by Thomas Ingoldsby which was mainly bought for the illustrations of Ernest M Jessop, copies of which we are hoping to use in the museum. Here are some examples.
We are hoping Friends of the Museum will be able to purchase them from Graham.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Donation of Artwork
Yesterday afternoon, we had a wonderful visit from artist Will Worthington who donated an original painting of Cernunnos and some prints of his paintings which were used for Phillip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm's Animal Oracle. This Cernunnos was originally painted for the Druid Oracle but a different image was finally used in the actu
al deck. I believe there is a new Plant Oracle coming out soon. The painting will be placed in the Horned God section as soon as it is catalogued & Graham has been keen to get a tarot display happening for some time - maybe this will spur him on.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Horsham Exhibition Video
I mentioned in a previous entry that there is an exhibition of witchcraft currently showing at The Horsham Museum organised by Jason Semmens. To have a look at a short video about the exhibition please click on the link County Times . As an extra treat you get a couple of flashes of Lionel Blair!! (who has nothing to do with the exhibition by the way). The Museum of Witchcraft has loaned a few items to Horsham for this show.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Museum Goes Fashionista
Well it was only a matter of time before the museum became an inspiration for the fashion crowd - who could forget Graham's array of desirable checked shirts & ill fitting Clarkson-esque jean collection after all. It seems Luella Bartley has been inspired & has based her Urban Outfitters collection on the inspiration she had during a visit to the museum - see the links http://www.urbanoutfitters.co.uk/page/luella and
Great to see the museum hitting the fashion pages at last.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Yew Tree Magic
Last year some of you may remember we had the shop next door to the museum to sell local art, music & fair trade goods. Local artist Belinda & her musician husband Martin had items in the shop so I just wanted to alert you to their new website Yew Tree Magic. The site has audio snippets of Martin's peaceful, meditative music and an on-line gallery of Belinda's paintings, both inspired by the magical landscape of North Cornwall, plus a further gallery showing some of the Cornish places that they have found particularly inspiring.
There are also plenty of links to further information about mysterious aspects of Cornwall, including of course one to the museum. The site is www.yewtreemagic.co.uk .
There are also plenty of links to further information about mysterious aspects of Cornwall, including of course one to the museum. The site is www.yewtreemagic.co.uk .
Thursday, July 10, 2008
New Addition to Museum Transport

Graham has recently acquired a new Enfield motorbike which has been custom labeled with a Museum of Witchcraft tag. It sits proudly outside the museum &, as he's now trying to be as green as possible, he is using it for short journeys around the local area. It has been attracting much attention from bike enthusiasts & adds that little extra something to the museum forecourt.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Whatever Happened to John & Francilla?

Many of our visitors enjoyed a lovely coffee & bit of home made cake at the Spinning Wheel cafe when John & Francilla owned it a couple of years ago. (You may remember them dangling from a rope underneath a helicopter during the flood in 2004) We have been asked on numerous occasions what has happened to them so I thought I'd let you know here. They are
still in the village & Francilla has just taken over a lingerie store in Launceston called Sofia's Lingerie. They have moved to the Pillar House in Old Road & have recently converted the top part into a self catering holiday home. If anyone is coming to Boscastle & is interested in renting The Pillar House I'll attach some pics & details about the property:

Pillar House is a Grade II Listed, Georgian house set in the quiet, village street above the picturesque harbour of Boscastle. It is stylish, light and airy and combines period features with modern facilities. It has a roof terrace with views of the wooded Jordan Valley. The house is cosy enough for two people but spacious enough for five.
The accommodation consists of a well-fitted, modern kitchen, a comfortable lounge and a roof terrace on the lower floor and three bedrooms (2 double; 1 single), all with iron bedsteads, and a bathroom, with a bath and modern shower, upstairs. Non-smoking. No pets.
For further details, including availability, prices and discounts, email: thestillpoint@btinternet.com
Friday, July 04, 2008
Website Back on Track
Huge apologies to all as our website has been down for the last few days while we move it to a new host. We did not envisage it would take so long & I was unable to access the blog to give more info. The new host means we will be able to make some improvements to the site so watch this space for a new look web page in the near future. Graham and I will be designing a more user friendly & hopefully, a more attractive front page for your viewing pleasure.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Gweek Seal Sanctuary
Graham loved his photo of the seal so much he sent it down to the Seal Sanctuary in Gweek & they've now added it to their readers photo page click on the link to check it out. Gweek Seal Sanctuary is a great place to go if your in the area further down in the bowels of Cornwall.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Seals in the harbour

Graham was out on his kayak yesterday & had a wonderful experience. He'd caught a couple of pollock & in doing so had attracted the attentions of a young seal. I believe the seal's name is Jerry & he was very friendly, almost jumping into the kayak on occasions. Graham was lucky enough to snap a cool photo of the gregarious Jerry.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Articles, Events????

I've been doing some additions to The Occult Art Company website. As well as adding more museum products into the online museum shop I've set up a couple of pages for articles and events. If you have something you'd like published or an event coming up just email me at kg@theoccultartcompany.co.uk with the information & I'll put it on the site (as long as it's legal!!) I hope you like the new additions. Check it out at www.theoccultartcompany.co.uk . If there is a museum product that you'd like to get hold of from a distance but it's not there, send me an email & I'll try to get it for you.
Graham's photographic skills

I just wanted to pop a rather gorge photo on. Graham took this the other day - a cormorant sitting on the headland in Boscastle harbour.
It's been fairly quiet now that most of the diggers are gone & we are hoping that within a couple of weeks all the riverworks will be finished. I think South West Water still have some bits & pieces to complete around the harbour area & we're waiting for the grass to grow on the verges so that it looks attractive, but overall it looks like things are coming to completion. We had a pretty busy weekend but it is rather quiet compared to normal. The museum had a mention in The Observer yesterday as the co author of 'More Bollocks to Alton Towers, Joel Morris, mentioned it as his favourite museum. Fine praise indeed!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Antiques Roadshow

We're just back from Lanhydrock House near Bodmin where they have been filming Antiques Roadshow today. Graham was contacted by the show to see if there was anything of interest and they decided on a couple of Lenciewicz paintings. Luckily we were first to be filmed on the day (fabulous as the queues were getting longer & longer by the minute) & we were most amused that we had to go into 'makeup' before filming. Graham looks lovely with a bit of pancake around the edges of his beard! Anyway, I annoyingly forgot to take my camera but I've got some shots of Graham returning the paintings to the museum. There is no guarantee that the piece we did will actually end up being shown but we're hopeful as there is an increasing interest in the work of Lenkiewicz and of Boscastle itself. If it does make it to the screen we'll let you know the date (if they tell us) so you can check it out. And the value of the paintings will remain a secret until the show!
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
More accolades for New CD
Any Canadian readers out there?? In particular Canadian folk music aficionados? Well if you get hold of 'Canadian Folk Music' also known as 'Musique folklorique canadienne' Spring 2008 (a fine publication indeed) you will see a rather fab review of the CD 'Songs of Witchcraft & Magic'. "This is one of those recordings that in years to come is destined to become a folk classic.......Very highly recommended." It's great to get such positive feedback for a project we have undertaken with such enthusiasm and with so much work involved. Hoorah!
New T Shirts

The museum t shirts remain as popular as ever and we've added a couple of new colours to the range. How adventurous we are!! Dipping our toe into the world of 'fashionability', we've introduced a lime green v neck with either a white or purple pentagram and for chaps, a charcoal t with either white or black pentagram. They are available in medium or large at the moment but if they prove popular we will extend the sizes. If you are visiting the museum you can buy one there or if not they can be purchased online at the museum's official online retailer
The Occult Art Company.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

As those of you who have visited the museum know, we collect written comments from people on their way out to display on the board outside. We'll occasionally put some of these on the blog so our e-visitors can read them too. My favourite for the day, which I haven't included, was from Churton age 6 who says 'I liked the goat who had a beard'. Most amusing! The favourite artefacts from the latest selection of comments seem to be 'Harry' (our medieval tarred head), the stuffed cat, and the crystal balls. Many people are return visitors who have visited many times. We try to change something each year to keep things interesting fro our repeat customers. Our retail is becoming a bit more adventurous as well, with some new t shirt colours added to the range and some one off glass pieces by Frank Timmins, local glass artist. I'll put a detailed note about the new t shirts (with photos) in the next blog.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Missing Camera
We've been contacted by a lady who has lost her camera outside the museum. The date was May 3rd around one o'clock. She had photos of her holiday in Somerset, Devon & Cornwall & is very distressed by its disappearance. A reward has been offered. I have no details of what type of camera it is but if anyone has any knowledge of the lost item please contact us & we'll send your information to the lady in question. I know it's a long shot but if we can help in any way we will. Thanks for your assistance on this one dudes.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Back from Australia
Well, I arrived back from Australia yesterday after 7 weeks and I must say it's very pleasant to be back home despite the jetlag. I can now update the blog more regularly with the latest happenings! Whilst in Australia I went along to the Mind Body & Spirit Festival and met She D'Montford, editor of Spellcraft magazine. They have done an article on the Museum of Witchcraft and we're hoping to build the connection so we can enhance Aussie/UK relations even further. Cassandra Easson was also there on a speaking tour and she has just released yet another book, Pagan in the City. What a prolific writer she is! The book should be released in the UK in a week or two I believe, so Cassandra fans should keep an eye out. I'll pop a link on for her website.
Friday, May 02, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Summer Is A Comin'
Forced Temporary Closure
The museum had to close for a morning this week as the construction gang re laid the tarmac outside the museum.
Whist having to close is obviously bad news - having tarmac out side is great news!! Mud and dust have been causing us huge problems since the flood so it will be fabulous to enjoy smooth underfoot action for a change.
Whist having to close is obviously bad news - having tarmac out side is great news!! Mud and dust have been causing us huge problems since the flood so it will be fabulous to enjoy smooth underfoot action for a change.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Auction Disappointment
The painting was by the late Robert Lenkiewicz and was undertaken shortly before Cecil died.
Graham had particularly wanted the portrait for the museum as he had taken Lenkiewicz to meet Williamson in his nursing home and witnessed the artist at work on this particular portrait. The museum took the bidding up to £4000 but this was not enough to secure the picture which finally sold for £4200.
Whilst it is disappointing not to have secured this important portrait, the museum has limited funds and must spend its money carefully.
I wonder who the successful bidder was?
Monday, April 07, 2008
New Sign
Glass cane donation
These items were often placed between a bed and fireplace and were said to absorb the evil spirits that caused diseases, especially ague (malaria). They should carefully be wiped clean each morning. Breaking your glass stick will surely attract misfortune. (From information provided by the Glass Manufacturers Federation.)
Let's hope that Martin & Belinda don't go down with the ague now they have given their stick to the museum!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Bye Bye Bridge
And so last Tuesday (a grey & foggy day in keeping with the mood of the villagers) we bid farewell to a Boscastle landmark - the old bridge outside the museum. I'm not sure how long it's been there but I believe it's more than a couple of centuries. It has withstood many of the floods that have hit Boscastle and that is one of the reasons why it has had to be replaced. During the August 2004 flood, fourteen cars became lodged underneath it, causing a huge backlog of water & debris which exacerbated the destructive effect of the flood waters outside the museum.
As sad as it is to see it go it really had to be changed. Unfortunately the new bridge is a bit of a shocker. We hope it will look more attractive when it is finally tarmacked & the railings are in situ. Graham took these photos for your perusal.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Foiled Again
One of our winter jobs has been to try and solve the problem of high humidity in some of the old wooden cabinets. The humidity monitors in some of these cabinets have often displayed a humidity figure several percent higher than ambient. This could be caused by the wood of the cabinet releasing moisture. After taking advice, we have lined one of the worst offenders with metal foil, replaced the silica gel, and we are now monitoring the results.
If this works and we can reliably control the humidity within all of the cabinets, we may be able to switch off some of the dehumidifiers a save a fortune in electricity and reduce our carbon footprint as well.
If this works and we can reliably control the humidity within all of the cabinets, we may be able to switch off some of the dehumidifiers a save a fortune in electricity and reduce our carbon footprint as well.
Bappy Easter
We would like to give a warm welcome to 'Bappy' the cast metal Baphomet which previously belonged to a lovely woman called Patsy (pictured here). Bappy was once used as a door stop in a second hand shop but was rescued by Patsy and they lived together in her Devon home for many years. Patsy is now thinking of moving and feels it's best not to take Bappy with her as others are sometimes shocked and worried by his devilish appearance. He has kindly been donated to the museum and we hope 'Bappy will be Happy' (chuckle) with us in his future life here.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Dragon Shoots
Anyone interested in pagan related books for small children will be delighted to hear there is a new series out called 'Dragon Shoots'. There are twelve books in the series based around the yearly festivals. Anyone interested should contact author Nell on sales@dragonshoots.com or check the website www.dragonshoots.com .
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Devon & Cornwall Pagan Federation Conference Yesterday
A great day was had by all at the Devon & Cornwall Pagan Federation conference at Kilkhampton near Bude yesterday. There were some excellent speakers in attendance. Philip Carr-Gomm kicked off proceedings with a talk on druidry & oracles; Val Thomas spoke on the art of the kitchen witch; Julian Vayne did a fab job speaking on Aleister Crowley (filling in at the last minute for Dr Roland Rotheram who was sadly unable to attend - we wish him a speedy recovery); and the grande finale was a Parkinson-esque interview of the wonderful Maxine Sanders undertaken by the effervescent Cassandra Latham.
The amazing Wolf's Head & Vixen Border Morris side had a fab fun time energising the room with their unique brand of hot Morris action. (Apparently they were seen later in the evening entertaining the manager & customers of Morrisons in Bude in full regalia.)
The Museum & The Occult Art Company had a stall which was well supported. The highlight of the evening was Damh the Bard entertaining the crowd with his music - I believe there was much boogeying going on (if anyone has any incriminating photos please send them in). You can find Damh on Youtube.
We've had a special opening today for everyone who attended the PF do. It's great to get some energy into the place before we officially open on March 21st. It's freezing outside & we're battening down the hatches for what may be a very elemental night.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Opening 2008
Please excuse the lack of input on this blog recently. We have just returned from a fabulous trip to the temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia and are now gearing up for the reopening of the museum. We will open on Friday 21st March. Opeing hours are the same as usual: 1030 am till 6 pm Monday to Saturday and 1130 am till 6 pm Sundays.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Hello Again
Well, it's been a while since my last post. I've been away from computer world for a while. There's not been a huge amount to report - just a continuation of the works down in the harbour (yes it's still going on!) and me having my bathroom modernised by Hannah's husband Lee (how thrilling you say). After much lobbying we now have a telephone box in the harbour. If you don't have an Orange network phone your mobile won't work so it's a bit of an asset to visitors to say the least. The next thing we need is a cash machine that doesn't charge you to take your own money out - don't get me started.....
The Gateway building (aka toilet block) is nearing completion in the car park but the shop next to the museum has come to a standstill & I've been told may not be open until June. Great! Keep Calm!!
On a more pleasant note - Hi to September & Karl who popped over from Atlanta Georgia for a visit today. The museum was closed but I happened to be dropping something off so let them in for a quick visit. They'd driven all the way from Scotland to see the musuem so it was fortuitous that I was around. Hi to September's coven back in Atlanta! Come & visit soon - during summer preferably. I suggested a trip to Avebury stone circle on their way back to London - a truly special place.