Saturday, November 29, 2008

Notice of Devon, Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Pagan Federation Conference 2009

greetings all
just wanted to give a note about next year's Devon, Cornwall & Isles of Scilly PF Conference which will be held on 7 March 2009 at Penstowe Manor, Bude.
The itinerary is as follows:

Friday night (6th March) Quiz and social.
Saturday speakers :
Rae Beth: The Green Hedgewitch
Merv Davey: Devosow Dons Kernow / Ritual Dance of Cornwall
Prudence Jones: The Goddess and the Grail
Damh the Bard: The Awen and Inspiration
Piper: Merv Davey
Competition: Come as a ‘Familiar spirit’!
Saturday night: music and dancing with :
Damh the Bard followed by
DJ Graham Barter: Uplifting & inspiring music.
Tickets: PF members £15, non members £18 available by post or PayPal.
Send SSAE for return of ticket/s with cheque/P.O. made payable to
‘Pagan Federation Devon & Cornwall’. Please include
membership number/s of PF members & names of guests.
Pagan Federation Devon, Cornwall & Channel Isles
(Regional Conference).
PO Box 314, Exeter, Devon, EX4 6YR
Available online:
Chalet accommodation and special rates available.
Telephone: 01288 321354
Sponsored by
The Museum of Witchcraft, Boscastle

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