Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Back from Australia

Well, I arrived back from Australia yesterday after 7 weeks and I must say it's very pleasant to be back home despite the jetlag. I can now update the blog more regularly with the latest happenings! Whilst in Australia I went along to the Mind Body & Spirit Festival and met She D'Montford, editor of Spellcraft magazine. They have done an article on the Museum of Witchcraft and we're hoping to build the connection so we can enhance Aussie/UK relations even further. Cassandra Easson was also there on a speaking tour and she has just released yet another book, Pagan in the City. What a prolific writer she is! The book should be released in the UK in a week or two I believe, so Cassandra fans should keep an eye out. I'll pop a link on for her website.

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