Thursday, May 05, 2016

Book Now for Halloween Conference October 15 2016

Museum of Witchcraft & Magic presents:

A Day of Talks on Halloween Past & Present
To celebrate the 2016 exhibition Glitter & Gravedust

October 15 2016
at The Wellington Hotel, Boscastle, Cornwall

10am - 4.30pm

Key note speaker:

Ronald Hutton
"The History of Halloween"

With papers by:

Mogg Morgan
"Sky Religion in Ancient Egypt: Halloween?"

Dorothy L. Abrams
"Ancestor Ritual at Samhain"  

Bekki Shining Bearheart 
Witches, Shamans and Ancestors, OH MY!”  

Tommy Kuusela
“How to learn magic by going on a year walk”

Louise Fenton
“Trick and Tourist Treat: Halloween in New Orleans”
Judith Noble 
“Beyond Halloween”

+ entertainment from 8pm

Tickets £25
Price includes admission to conference, evening entertainment, as well as entry to the Museum on Saturday or Sunday.

Places are limited and pre-payment is essential to book your place.

Ways to pay:

By paypal.  Our paypal account is:
Please put ‘Halloween’ as an Instruction/Reference.

By card: phone the Museum on 01840 250 111 and complete the transaction using a credit or debit card.

By cash: pop into the Museum and pay at the counter

By cheque: send a cheque made payable to Museum of Witchcraft to our address: the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic, the Harbour, Boscastle, PL35 0HD.

Any issues, email the Museum:

We recommend that attendees book their rooms directly with the Wellington.

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