Friday, April 15, 2016

What's been happening at the Museum Part One

It has been a very busy winter at the Museum.  This seems like a good time to walk you through some of the changes in case you can't get down here for a while.

Let's start outside and in the entrance/shop area.

A new A frame outside which is very eye catching.  It has general information about the Museum on one side and an advert for our current exhibition on the other (this will change each year so visitors always know what the new exhibition is).

Simon created a lovely display in the entrance door, entrance prices are displayed below.

In the shop, we have a new display cabinet to make more use of the space.  It is too tall for one photo, so you get to see Peter in action.  Top photo: leaning down to pick up a bag.  Bottom photo: putting said bag to use.

As you enter the Museum, six of the old Museum signs are now on display (last year only three were).

The drawers in the Images of Witchcraft cabinet were re-lined with grey felt so we could attach the objects using velcro (hoop and loop).  This was one of the most laborious tasks Peter and Judith did all winter, as we sat for about six hours on the floor in this space lining the drawers and attaching the objects.  It was cold and only the radio (and each other's company) made it slightly bearable!  Moaning over!!!  It was well worth it though.

End of What's been happening at the Museum 2016 edition part one, part two to follow...

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