Thursday, March 10, 2016

Talk at Treadwell's bookshop coming soon

Witchcraft’s Artefacts - An Illustrated Lecture by Sara Hannant

Objects, exuding magic and mystery, emerge from the darkness of Cornwall’s much loved Museum of Witchcraft and Magic. Artist and photographer Sara Hannant  has captured the essence of these carefully selected artifacts, which include wax dolls, wands, statues, daggers, pendants, robes and amulets. Some have been displayed at the museum for years, others have long been hidden in its archives. Using her own magical tool, the camera, she found that “it was best to photograph at night. This enabled the objects to emerge from the darkness, where it is said magic begins.” Tonight’s stunning visual lecture shows what her residency revealed.  Sara’s books are Mummers, Maypoles and Milkmaids and forthcoming Of Shadows, One Hundred Objects from the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic.

Price: £8   Ring 0207 419 8508 or book online

Time: 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start.

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