Monday, February 15, 2016

CALL FOR PAPERS Glitter & Gravedust: Halloween Past & Present

Museum of Witchcraft & Magic
Glitter & Gravedust:  Halloween Past & Present

Call for Papers – October 15th 2016

Glitter & Gravedust: Halloween Past & Present is a new exhibition curated by the Museum of Witchcraft & Magic.  Opening in March 2016 and running until December, the exhibition charts the history of the festival and explores its various incarnations: from Samhain to Hallowtide, a time efficacious for love magic and divination, to its ambiguous, multicultural and often commercial modern expressions.

A conference to accompany and augment the exhibition will take place on Saturday October 15th 2016 in Boscastle.  Professor Ronald Hutton will be the keynote speaker, presenting recent research into ‘The History of Halloween’. 

If you would like to present a paper please send an abstract of no more than 200 words together with a brief biographical note to:

Deadline for abstracts is 31st  March 2016.  Free entry to the Museum, exhibition, library and archive will be included in the ticket price (TBC).  Papers could address the following topics (but these are not restrictive):

·       History of the festival, continuity and change
·       Folklore of Halloween (ancient and modern)
·       Regional variations
·       Religion; Wicca, Paganism, Christianity
·       Divination practices, magic, witchcraft
·       Honouring the dead, ancestor festival
·       The culture of Halloween, literature, music, film etc.
·       Tourism, performing identity, Halloween as ‘event’
·       Material culture of Halloween
·       Cross-cultural perspectives and comparisons
·       Masks, guising, ‘becoming other’
·       Halloween and gender
·       Food and drink at Halloween

Abstracts for the attention of Peter Hewitt,

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