Thursday, November 19, 2015

New homes for old and loved objects

Yesterday was a busy day at the Museum.  While the builders cracked on upstairs clearing the top gallery, Judith and Peter worked on the existing displays.  The new upstairs display will involve some moving of objects to fit in with its overall theme and this means that not all the objects previously on display will be in future so we have had to find them new homes.  This hasn't been easy as the Museum is pretty full but here is what has been done.

Some of the Snowshill items (such as the Wondrous Candle) have been placed in working tools, some will have to be in store for this year.

The display of Aleister Crowley objects has been moved downstairs and is still in its own case.  It is its own self contained section.

Items from the Satanism display have been moved into the Images of Witchcraft gallery to create a new section: Witch's Brews and Hell's Fires which explores the links between witches and alcohol/bottles and images of the Devil and fire/ash.

The Austin Spare scrying crystal has been moved into the Divination Cabinet with information about him affixed to the wall to the right of the picture.

The Ritual Magic display has moved downstairs where the Golden Down items in particular add a lovely splash of colour.

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