Written by Judith Hewitt, co-manager of the Museum and proud wife of Peter.
Peter Hewitt, one of the co-managers of the Museum, completed his PhD in the Material Culture of Shakespeare's England last year. He submitted his thesis last summer and had his VIVA at Birmingham University in December. It all went extremely well and he only had minor corrections to make to his work before receiving final confirmation of his doctorate.
Peter doesn't make much of his academic achievements - his PhD certificate arrived the a couple of months ago without much fanfare (he didn't even tell me it had arrived, I only found out a couple of weeks later when I saw it in his desk!). This morning, Peter let slip that you can read his thesis online. If anyone would like to read it, it be found by clicking on this link:
Peter talked about some of his research at last year's Friends of the Museum AGM. He has been approached about publishing chapters of his thesis in academic journals and he hopes to look into this more seriously soon. He has also contributed to a book on Shakespeare and Material Culture which is being published by Bloomsbury for the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust (where he conducted research during his PhD). The book will be released within the next few months.
You can read some samples of the type of work that will appear in the book here:
If you want to "follow" Peter's academic work, you can here (not sure much will be happening for a while as we're both happily busy with the Museum!):
Brilliant! Well done, that man! (and congratulations, of course!)