Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Feria Internacional del Libro

The Museum of Witchcraft & Magic is going to Mexico!  Well, only in spirit - we are having our own small section at the annual Feria Internacional del Libro (FIL) - the largest Spanish-language literary festival in the world in Guadalajara.  (Unfortunately we don't get to go...)

This has been arranged by the British Council - an organisation designed to improve international relations and educational opportunities.  This year, the UK is the 'Guest of Honour' culture in Mexico, and for nine days (28 November to 6 December 2015), Guadalajara will be filled with the music, arts, cinema and theatre of the United Kingdom.

The Museum of Witchcraft and Magic has been selected as one of 276 cultural institutions and collections to represent the UK.  More details to follow, but at the very least, attendees of the fair will get to take away a picture of one of our objects...this beautiful spirit symbol snake vertebrae necklace worn by the Pensilva cunning woman Bessie Oliver (Object No. 509).

Hopefully the fair will encourage lots of Mexicans to come to Boscastle and experience the magic of the collection for themselves!

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