Saturday, September 26, 2015

Research on Gardner by a young enthusiast

We recently received this email:

In July you welcomed me and my daughter Miriam to the museum and she shared that together with her classmate Ella, they had created a poster presentation for the California National History Day - (Their poster presentation was on Gerald Gardner).

They submitted and presented a poster to represent their school at the competition in San Francisco  which they won as best work and then moved to state-level and the big competition  in Sacramento on California State Level. They were both in 5th grade (10 years old) and there is no national level they could compete in.

I am sending you both posers as JPG to show how far the work by Gerald Gardner reaches. The girls selected a topic that interested them rather than following the mainstream of topics, mostly about the civil rights movement and US presidents. 

Thank-you so much to Miriam and her father Florian for visiting the Museum and sharing their story.  Miriam really enjoyed looking at our collection of Gardnerian objects and the Museum staff were really impressed by her knowledge and enthusiasm.  

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