Thursday, September 24, 2015

Michael Howard

We have just heard some very sad news.  Mike Howard, editor of The Cauldron and author of numerous books, has died recently following a short illness.

As well as being a long term supporter of the museum, he was also a friend to staff here past and present and will be missed.


  1. We will greatly miss his kindness, generosity and wisdom, but celebrate all he has contributed to the Craft. Journey home in Light Mike!
    Gem & Jane xx

  2. For years Mike has helped and influenced the Museum more that any person outside the Museum team. He spent many hours in the Museum archive and library researching his excellent books. He was truly a very wise man. Most importantly Mike was a friend and I will always remember him with affection. I am sure that Mike will continue to be a regular visitor to the Museum and certainly his memory will live on in the many documents and books that he donated to the archive. Thanks Mike - l look forward to our next meeting. Graham

  3. Really saddened to hear this. I was hoping to meet him one day to say thanks you properly for all the wonderful work he put into his publications. Very much going to miss corresponding with him and hearing the sound of The Cauldron arriving on the doormat. Thanks for being supportive and patient Mike.
