Saturday, August 01, 2015

Generous donation to help fund the refurbishment of a special collection

We received a lovely email the other day which told us that we were getting a substantial donation.  The donation was administered by Graham King on behalf of the Richel and Eldermans Research Group.

This money will be used to help re-display this fascinating Collection.  To quote from the email:
"the Richel / Eldermans collection...has been in place over 10 years now,[it] is to be refurbished with a new display case, lighting and texts, it's a great opportunity to refresh the displays and show the exhibits in an updated format, particularly as the museum has many repeat visitors."

In case you don't know about the Richel/Eldermans Collection, here is a newspaper article about its arrival and also some images of the sorts of things it contains - lots of wonderful objects and artworks.

The refurbishments won't start until November but we have already had one significant delivery -  a new cabinet to display the Collection in.  This cabinet arrived on Thursday and it proved quite challenging to move!  Here are Peter and Mark (Friend of the Museum) moving the cabinet.  They were also helped by an anonymous passer by (thanks!).  

Many thanks to the Richel/Eldermans Group for their donation and to Graham King for making it happen and for dealing with the bank on their behalf.

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