Monday, June 15, 2015

Children's Art Week 2015

Children's Art Week 2015
Museum of Witchcraft and Magic Drawing Competition
This year's theme: Witches in fiction, fantasy and folklore

Last year, the Museum took part in Children's Art Week for the first time.  It was a huge success and we had some fantastic pictures.  Each winner received a prize and their picture was displayed in the Museum and on our blog.  Some of last years winning pictures can be seen below...

 We are taking part in Children's Art Week again this year and the theme for pictures is: Witches in fiction, fantasy and folklore.

This theme has been chosen to celebrate the re-furbishment of the Images of Witchcraft Gallery and to coincide with our first ever temporary exhibition.

Our Images of Witchcraft display includes witches such as Meg Merrilies (pcitured below top), the Weird Sisters in Macbeth (pictured below bottom), Meg and Mog (pictured below middle), Winnie the Witch, the White Witch from Narnia, Granny Ogg from Discworld and many, many more...

Our temporary exhibition, Witches and Witchlore: the illustrations of Jos A Smith includes images of witches such Baba Yaga, La Belle Dame Sans Merci and witches riding eggshells.  You might like to pop in to the Museum to see this fantastic exhibition for inspiration.

We are looking for talented under 18s to submit a drawing or painting of a well known witch.  The image could be based on something we have in our collection or it could be inspired by folkstories or fiction.  Draw us a picture of a witch from fiction, fantasy or folklore...Closing date for entrants: June  30th 2015.  Make sure you put your full name, age and address on your picture.  You can enter as many times as you like and there is no specified size for pictures.  So either visit the Museum and draw a picture while exploring the collection and temporary exhibition or send us your picture in your post.

Is there a witch or story that inspires you?  How do you imagine witches?  Let your imagination run wild - send us a picture!

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