Thursday, June 19, 2014

We need you - help us to (offically) become the Best Museum in Cornwall

Voting time is here for the Cornwall Today Magazine Awards and we're up for Best Museum.  There are three other Museums nominated and we really need your help to win the much deserved title of 'Best Museum in Cornwall'  Voting is really simple.
1.  Visit this website: or search the internet for Cornwall Today Awards and visit the website
2.  Scroll down to the Best Museum Category and click next to our name
3.  Scroll down again and enter your details
4.  Click submit

If that doesn't work for whatever reason you can e-mail your vote directly.  In your e-mail say you want to vote for the Best Museum Award for the The Museum of Witchcraft and then put your name.
E-mail address:
The results are announced in September.  Thanks in advance for all your help and support.  Fingers crossed!

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