Monday, June 16, 2014

How to enter our Drawing Competition

The Drawing Competition started today and there is a photo of the resources provided to visitors to the Museum above.  Here are the details of how to enter (if you can't visit the Museum you can still enter!)

Museum of Witchcraft
Drawing Competition
How to enter
The Competition is open to all young people aged between 3 and 18.
The closing date for entrants is June 30th.

There are pencils, paper, clipboards and a dedicated 'drawing area' in the Museum.
Entrants can complete their work while visiting the Museum or take their work away with them for completion/improvement and either send it in by post or scan it and send it electronically by e-mail.  The best entrants will probably use colour and possibly paint and other media to create a quality piece of work.

We are looking for imaginative responses to the Museum.
Some ideas for artworks:
·  draw an object on display
·  draw a room or display  in the Museum
·  draw the exterior of the Museum
·  imagine how an object might have been used in the past and draw that
·  imagine the story behind an object and draw it
·  research witches and witchcraft more and come up with a picture on this theme
·  draw a picture about magic
·  use your imagination

There are addressed envelopes available in the Museum or work can be sent to:
The Museum of Witchcraft
The Harbour
PL35 0HD


There will be prizes for the best work and the opportunity to have the work displayed in the Museum of Witchcraft, exhibited as part of an online exhibition and used in promotional materials for the Museum (potentially this may include mugs, T-shirts, postcards, posters)

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