Friday, October 07, 2011

October update

Attended Witchmarket in Glastonbury last weekend which a great event. lots of stalls and good to see so many friendly faces. The Old Oaks campsite was fabulous as ever - highly recommended - and Adele Clough's new shop & B & B (The Covenstead) are gorge.
Off to the PF 40th celebrations in London this weekend so hopefully we'll catch up with some of our friends up there.
The museum closes on the afternoon of Monday Oct 31st so if you're planning a visit come along before then. We will reopen April 1st 2012. It's been a very busy year so it will be good to have a bit of a break. Graham works 7 days a week during the season so it's nice to take a breath & relax for a while.
The Friends AGM is 19th November at The Welly - email invites & agendas have gone out & postal ones should be arriving shortly.

A big thank you to Friendly Dragon for their kind donation to Friends this week. It was great to see them on their latest visit.

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