Well not a lot really. Work has been continuing upstairs and "Protection" is just about finished. Martin the carpenter is doing some finishing touches in the booth area and we're having trouble with the paint on the walls flaking off. If anyone has any suggestions for a paint that will stay on please let us know. We've tried the distemper style paints & they're not surviving very well.
A bit of excitement the other day when the museum was checked out as a possible set for a fashion shoot for a major American fashion magazine. I don't want to jinx it by saying any more but fingers crossed.
The Devon & Cornwall Pagan Federation Confrence is on in Bude this weekend so we'll be going along to that. You may see us on one of the stalls there. We'll also be doing the International Conference in Lunteren Holland on 20th May so for any Dutch readers, we hope to see you there.
there are some paints which include PVA (a kind of artificial rubberised glue) which might work so far as sticking, but which may cause problems with the wall's breathability (and they are pricey, too) - maybe a professional query to Dulux or Croda or someone like that might be in order? dave e