Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Museum closes for winter

Well the season is over and most of the businesses in Boscastle are closing up for the winter. It's turned out to be a great season with the flood definitely being a drawcard for a lot of people. Most are amazed how quickly things are moving along in the village.

Work has started on rebuilding "Things" the gift shop & the building opposite the museum will be rebuilt over winter. The Spinning Wheel has now shut for winter after a very busy season.

Graham will be doing some ongoing refurbishments to the museum while it is closed as he does each winter but is hoping to get away for a well deserved break soon.

Today we finished photographing Doreen Valiente's first batch of scrapboooks. What a mammoth task! I think we'll have to add more memory to the computer for the next batch. Very interesting stuff there. A great social commentary on the way the media portrayed the occult from the early 60s through to the 80s.

The Wellington Hotel had a great Halloween party last Friday and I'll be adding some photos later on. The kids looked great in their little spooky costumes, as did some of the grown ups.

I'll be continuing the blog during winter when interesting things happen so keep checking the website.

Happy Samhain

1 comment:

  1. Bright Blessings Folks

    I am trying to kindle interest in opening a Museum of Witchcraft in Derbyshire.
    Anyone familar with Matlock and Matlock Bath will know of Riber Castle. Not exactly an ancient building cica 1800's the animal park closed in 2001. Now they want to develop it into flats. Such a shame for such a beuatiful old building.
    I am a member of Derbyshire Pagans and we are attempting to contact local papers etc for support.
    Matlock Bath itself has two brill museums and is rather like a landlocked seaside town with a promenade against the river. Very tourist friendly.
    If you could give us any pointers I would be very grateful. Support of any kind encouraged/
    Blessings, love and light
    Stormwolf the Wizard
