Sunday, September 11, 2005

September News

I would like to start by saying that the thoughts of everyone at the museum go out to those affected by Hurricane Katrina on the Gulf Coast of the US. We were particularly wondering how the Voodoo Museum in New Orleans has fared. We have tried to contact them and check their website but with no luck. If anyone has any news regarding the museum and the welfare of its staff please let us know.

As for Boscastle, things have started to quieten down again after a very hectic August. The good weather and publicity regarding the flood anniversary helped to ensure we ended the month on a high, so we are now feeling more financially secure after a slow start to the year.

We've had an interesting donation of another Pan figure which is similar to one we have on display upstairs (see Herb of the Week-7 for an image of the donation). Strangely, this week we've had an enquiry from America regarding the same item. Coincidence?....hmmmmm. If anyone knows anything about the artefact please let us know.

A new computer has arrived to replace the old one in the main office which was outdated and very sluggish. In Graham's excitement to set up the transfer of documents to CD as a back up he managed to wipe out his entire "My Documents" folder. Unfortunately, when he checked the CD it had not copied anything so all was lost. Luckily things had been backed up fairly recently so it wasn't a total disaster but lots of recent stuff has gone.

Just had news that "Things" shop has had the go ahead to rebuild as of tomorrow so that will leave only one building to go; the Harbour Lights opposite the museum. More later.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently the Voodoo Museum escaped relatively unharmed, as did the Voodoo Spiritual Temple, according to reports I heard through a vodou egroup I frequent. Mambo Miriam had to evacuate like everyone else, but apparently the property itself escaped much of the damage.
