The Museum is currently rated in the top three visitor attractions in Cornwall by Tripadvisor. Come visit us and find out why we're so popular!"
Friday, September 30, 2005
Herb of the Week - 8
September Draws to a Close...

Visitors just keep coming to Boscastle. The season seems to be extending and many of the hotels are booked up for October. The inaugural Boscastle Food and Art Fair is happening next weekend - Oct 8 & 9. There will be displays by local artists in the school and other venues around the village and food stalls will be dotted around. It will be interesting to see how it goes.
In the museum , the collection of fortune telling cups continues to grow with some rather attractive new acquisitions. I'm beginning to to think Graham is developing an addiction to the these lovely old cups.
He's also mananged to finally purchase a copy of a book he's been after for a long time - the trial pamphlets of Joan Wenham of Hertfordshire, the last known instance in which a witch was convicted in England (1713). She was later pardoned.
Those of you who have visited the upstairs gallery will probably remember the dulcit tones of Aleister Crowley chanting one of his poems. We thought that this may be a little intrusive so Graham has set up some 1930s telephone earpieces so that people who wish to listen can do so without interrupting others who prefer a quieter ambience. I took a photo (shown here) of Justin, one of today's visitors, modelling the usage of the aforementioned earphone.
Historian Phillip Heselton has been visiting the library this week to do more research on his upcoming biography of Gerald Gardner. There is quite a lot of correspondence between Gerald and Cecil Williamson in the library archive which hopefully will prove useful in Phillip's research. I foolishly did not get a photo for you to check out.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Greetings Again.....
The season has continued to be very busy with more bookings than usual being reported in the hotels for October. We've had quite a few interesting visitors lately, most notably the author R.J. Stewart dropped in with a lovely group of American visitors last weekend. Graham was extremely pleased to meet him as he shares a passion for traditional folk music as well. Unfortunately I wasn't on the ball enough to take a photo for the website so you'll just have to believe me.
We also had a visit from a wonderful Swiss woman called Wicca (yes it is her real name) who had been collecting for the museum at her shop in Switzerland. She personally delivered the £300 (approx) they had gathered. She is the writer and publisher of the only Wicca/Witchcraft magazine in Switzerland, Germany & Austria. I think her shop is in Fislisbach so check it out if you are in the area. Thanks Wicca!!
Steve Patterson, the man who does some of the wood carvings and the copper athames which we sell, has started a course on Magik & folklore for people in the village and surrounding areas. I missed the first week but went along last night. I believe the course is going to be extremely interesting and Steve has such a relaxed and enthusiastic presentation style. He mainly does courses around Cornwall so if you are interested and see any advertised it would be a good idea to check them out.
Tinker's Bag, a group of traditional folk musicians and singers, entertained the people of Boscastle at the Village Hall last Saturday night with their show 'The Labourer's Year', featuring songs that reflect the changing seasons. Bob & Jill Berry (the ringleaders for this event) are friends of Graham's from his folky past and wanted to do something just for the villagers to cheer us up after a pretty heavy year. It was a great night with drinks at the Welly afterwards. Judging by the number of hangovers the next day we must have all had a great time. I had a couple of friends, Bernadette & Chrissy, over from Australia who were convinced we'd put the spectacle on just for them!
Herb of the week will be later this week as I seem to have lost the photos in the ether. Keep posted.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Herb of the Week - 7 shown with newly donated Pan figure
Yarrow - "Thou pretty herb of Venus tree, thy true name it is yarrow.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
September News
As for Boscastle, things have started to quieten down again after a very hectic August. The good weather and publicity regarding the flood anniversary helped to ensure we ended the month on a high, so we are now feeling more financially secure after a slow start to the year.
We've had an interesting donation of another Pan figure which is similar to one we have on display upstairs (see Herb of the Week-7 for an image of the donation). Strangely, this week we've had an enquiry from America regarding the same item. Coincidence?....hmmmmm. If anyone knows anything about the artefact please let us know.
A new computer has arrived to replace the old one in the main office which was outdated and very sluggish. In Graham's excitement to set up the transfer of documents to CD as a back up he managed to wipe out his entire "My Documents" folder. Unfortunately, when he checked the CD it had not copied anything so all was lost. Luckily things had been backed up fairly recently so it wasn't a total disaster but lots of recent stuff has gone.
Just had news that "Things" shop has had the go ahead to rebuild as of tomorrow so that will leave only one building to go; the Harbour Lights opposite the museum. More later.