Thursday, June 30, 2005

End of June Arrives

Greetings all
apologies for the gap in transmission
I have been in NY for a week or so and have not been able to blog. On my list of things to do was to get along to the Witchcraft Museum in Salem but managed to arrive just as it was closing, so I've still not seen inside. Managed to meet some other interesting people there though so not a total waste of a trip.

The museum here has been quieter than we would have hoped. Numbers are down on last year so we definitely need more visitors!! We have been very busy in the library, however. Dave Evans has been helping us collate and catalogue quite a bit of Alex Sanders' material. The archive includes manuscripts, loose documents, and material which Derek Taylor (Alex's scribe) had accumulated. Some of it we are putting together in book form/folders for the library.

We were happy to have a visit from Oliver (a regular visitor and fan of the museum) and his family and friends recently. He had painted a wizard on a stone for us a year or so ago, and contacted us to see if it had survived after the flood. We feared it had been lost but luckily I found it in about three feet of mud and it now sits in our shrine with other special objects.

On the subject of things found in the mud (just to clarify), the owls I mentioned in a previous update which we found after the flood were actually toys, clay figures, obsidian carvings and happily NOT the bodies of real owls. Although we did find the body of a real rainbow trout in the safe!

We are getting some great comments so keep them coming. More news soon.

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