Thursday, July 16, 2015

Imminent Archiving

Every year, we are visited by American students who generously give up their time to help us with the Museum archive.  These visits are organised by Michele Lise Tarter (Professor at the Department of English, The College of New Jersey).  To get ready for this, first we purchased many folders and mylar sleeves (which the documents go into for preservation).  Here they are ready for use...

Then we spent a good few days taking boxes of semi-organised papers into neatly organised folders ready to be catalogued onto our online database.  This year, the students will be archiving Cecil Williamson's information cards from the early days of the Museum and trying to identify which cards go with which objects.  This should be very helpful to the Museum in understanding the history of our collection.  

Expect more blogs about our findings as the archiving commences in earnest from Monday.

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