The Museum is currently rated in the top three visitor attractions in Cornwall by Tripadvisor. Come visit us and find out why we're so popular!"
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
And so it begins!
We are soon to begin the process of Accreditation for the Museum. For those unfamiliar with the process, "Accreditation is the UK standard for museums and galleries. It defines good practise and identifies agreed standards, thereby encouraging development. It is a baseline quality standard that helps guide museums to be the best they can be, for current and future users."
There are many benefits to us in becoming an accredited museum, such as demonstrating that we meet a national standard, which will strengthen any applications for private or public funding in the future and generally helping our status. It also helps should we ever want to have items on loan from another museum.
And so the form filling starts!