Having been away working for a week I have just had a chance to check on the finances of last week's event at the Wellington Hotel for the museum. After all costs were covered Friends managed to make a profit of £115 which will be donated to the museum for conservation work. Thanks to everyone involved and to all of you who came along on the day to support the museum.
The Museum is currently rated in the top three visitor attractions in Cornwall by Tripadvisor. Come visit us and find out why we're so popular!"
Monday, May 27, 2013
Notice of Art Exhibition from Sarah Vivian
The Bank Square Gallery
From Saturday 25th May 2013 to Friday 14th June 2013
This exhibition showcases work by five talented and diverse artists –
Tamsin Bridge, Hayley Mallett, Eric Pentecost, Nicholas Smith and Sarah Vivian, who will be providing a feast of spring colour.
Our opening hours are:
Mon-Fri 10.30am – 5pm, Sat 10.30am – 4pm, Sun closed
R.S.V.P. 5 Bank Square, St. Just-in-Penwith, Penzance TR19 7HH
01736 788222
If you
would like to join our e-mail list, please feel free to provide us with
your details (these will never be given to a third party).
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Tools of the Trade Speakers
All our speakers at yesterday's event - Left to right - Gillian Nott, Levannah Morgan, Brian Hoggard, Louise Fenton.Photo courtesy of Simon Costin
Witchcraft Traditions ~ Tools of the Trade
A great day was had yesterday as our annual May event took place at The Wellington Hotel. We had around 70 attendees which was a slight increase on last year. The day started with Gillian Nott speaking on The Spirit of Corn, looking at the history of straw work through the ages and showing us some of her amazing handmade creations. Next was Levannah Morgan who spoke about 'the art of magical working' which features in her new book 'A Witch's Mirror' - she also signed copies of the book throughout the day and sold out so if you would like a copy they are available though Cappall Bann. After lunch Brian Hoggard gave a fascinating talk on his work with items which are found within the walls of homes, e.g., dried cats, shoes etc. Dr Louise Fenton closed the day with a talk on her research on the poppets in the museum. She has managed to identify some of the actual people involved in the spells - very interesting. I will shortly put a photo of our speakers on the blog and also contact/website details of Brian & Louise.
Thanks everyone who attended on the day - the profits made will be used by Friends of the Museum of Witchcraft to assist in library conservation work.
Thanks everyone who attended on the day - the profits made will be used by Friends of the Museum of Witchcraft to assist in library conservation work.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Online Shop Changeover
The Museum will shortly be taking over the online shop and selling stock direct rather than going through The Occult Art Company which will be closing so it can focus on new projects mainly in the realm of publishing. The new website is almost complete and should be opening shortly. In the meantime you can still order through TOAC via the link on the MOW website. The Museum would like to thank TOAC for all its work with the online outlet and we look forward to working together on its new projects which will be unveiled shortly.
The museum has just introduced a new line of posters from some of the early artwork which can be seen in A Magical History ~ A collection of memories celebrating 60 years. We're down to the last 20ish of the paperbacks so once they're gone that's it.
Remember you can follow us on Twitter for the most up to date info.