The Museum is currently rated in the top three visitor attractions in Cornwall by Tripadvisor. Come visit us and find out why we're so popular!"
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Television Appearance
Joyce Froome, the museum's historian, will be appearing on the Alan Titchmarsh Show tomorrow if all goes to plan. She will be taking a few items to show the audience.
Friday, October 05, 2012
Friends AGM & Geet Together Gets Closer
Only a few weeks till Friends of Museum of Witchcraft Get Together and AGM 10th November - should be a great day with Damh the Bard playing in the evening as well as speaking during the day. Also Josephine McCarthy, Scarlet Imprint, and Graham is putting together a film of 'Men, Myth & Museums'. This is open to Friends of the Museum only but you can join on the day. Friends is a registered Charity No 1120014