The Museum is currently rated in the top three visitor attractions in Cornwall by Tripadvisor. Come visit us and find out why we're so popular!"
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Short story Competition
Having recently discovered the publishing bug I have decided to run a short story competition based around the Museum.
The competition has been advertised to Friends first and is now open to others via the museum blog and Facebook page.
Rules are as follows:
Theme - it must be a fictional account of anything to do with the Museum and the opening line must be ’Mother told me not to come….. ‘
Word Count - 500 to 1,000 words and word count should be shown at top of first page. Any piece which exceeds the word count will automatically be disqualified.
Deadline - June 30th 2012, entries received after this date will not be considered.
Submission - send by email to or by mail to The Museum of Witchcraft, The Harbour, Boscastle PL35 0HD.
Entrant’s name, email address, phone number and submission title should be contained in body of email or covering letter and the submission attached. Do not put your name on the submission as it will be judged anonymously.
Font - Times New Roman or Arial 12.
Charge - free to enter.
Copyright - Worldwide copyright of each entry remains with the author, but the Friends of the Museum of Witchcraft has unrestricted rights to publish the winning entry in the friends of the Museum of Witchcraft newsletter, Museum website or any future Museum related publication.
Judging - The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Winning Entry - will be published in the August Friends’ newsletter and online on the Museum of Witchcraft blog. The winner will also receive a paperback copy of The Museum of Witchcraft~A Magical History.
So get your creative witch’s hats on and get writing. Remember this is fiction we want! I know there is a lot of talent out there and who knows we may be able to get enough material for an anthology of witchy writings.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Hunters Moon Performance
Hunters Moon Morris Side will be performing outside the Museum on Easter Sunday April 8th at 1130am and 330pm. They will be in Tintagel & Port Isaac on the Saturday. check out their website: . We're very much looking forward to seeing them soon!
John of Monmouth Book Signing
Last weekend the Pagan Federation South West held its annual conference in Kilkhampton and was a great success with everyone commenting on the lovely atmosphere during the proceedings. The Museum always opens for the Sunday after the conference for the attendees to come & be the first to visit for the new year. This day coincided with the launch of John of Monmouth's new book 'Genuine Witchcraft Explained, The Secret History of the Royal Windsor Coven & the Regency' so we took advantage of the sunshine and had a book signing outside the front of the Museum. the book, has had some good reviews and I'm looking forward to reading it. It can be purchased from The Occult Art Company website. Here is a pic of John enjoying his booksigning with brigitte (top) & Deborah.
New magic & the Military Exhibit
Graham has been having great fun putting together a new exhibit about magic & the military especially around the Second World War. he has acquired a Hitler pincushion which was used as a cursing poppet. There is a rather interesting Reader's Digest article from the early 40s which has a cursing Hitler song. He's also just picked up a Kaiser Wilhelm poppet to add to the display. Here are some pics:
Friday, March 16, 2012
May Magical Day & Friends AGM
There will be a day of talks at the Wellington Hotel for the Museum on May 19th - more info on Sunday but please email with questions or to let me know you would like to attend.
This year's Friends AGM & Get Together will be held on November 10th. Damh the Bard will be giving a talk during the event and performing in the evening. more information on speakers etc shortly.
This year's Friends AGM & Get Together will be held on November 10th. Damh the Bard will be giving a talk during the event and performing in the evening. more information on speakers etc shortly.
Paperback MOW book
The paperback version of The Museum of Witchcraft~A Magical History is at the printers as we speak! Will announce here as soon as it is available. I will shortly be putting some pics of last weekend's Pagan Fed Museum open day & The Occult Conference in Glastonbury this weekend. Apologies for radio silence recently - there's been a lot happening before we open, publishing books, attending conferences, new displays, international visitors etc etc etc..........aaah excuses excuses. National Geographic filming next week as well. May be able to breathe shortly:)