Either a very brave or a very stupid person has stolen a Mother Shipton statue from her perch in the Images section of the museum. We're not sure how long she's been gone but most things stolen from us return sooner or later due to strange happenings to the thief. So beware if you see one on ebay - it may or may not be ours. I attach a photograph of the missing statue and the spot where she once stood.
The Museum is currently rated in the top three visitor attractions in Cornwall by Tripadvisor. Come visit us and find out why we're so popular!"
Friday, August 27, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Occult Art Website Down
Those of you wanting to purchase online museum goods over the wekkend may have to check back in a day or two as the website is undergoing some work - while the host is being changed over the site will be downm but we hope to get it back up asap. This is all gearing up for a new look website in the very near future.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
A Walk Through The Occult Reliquary
Graham is so happy with how The Occult Reliquary has turned out he's made a video outlining the contents.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
West Country Witches
We are keenly awaiting the new book by Mike Howard, 'West Country Witches', which is due out next month. It is being published by Three Hands Press who have just launched 'The Occult Reliquary' for The Museum of Witchcraft. In this book Mike examines the witchcraft and sorcery practised by historical witches, charmers, cunning folk and pellars of Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Dorset and Wiltshire and also the faery lore of these counties. Should be a good read!
Stolen Guide Books
Very busy in the museum at the moment as you can imagine so it was really irritating to discover that someone had stolen our large print guide books yesterday. We provide the guides for those who have difficulty with reading small print as part of our programme to be as accessible as possible for those with a disability. Graham had to spend most of the day redoing the guides as they had disappeared from the computer. I wonder how long it will take for them to be returned - most things that are stolen from the museum are returned quite soon - I have no idea why!!:)))
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
The Occult Reliquary
The long awaited Occult Reliquary featuring images and artifacts from the Richel Eldermans Collection has arrived and is available from the museum or from The Occult Art Company. The Special and Deluxe versions have sold out (although we may have another small allocation in 2 weeks time) but we have a number of standard editions available at £84.00 each. They are selling very fast so, if you are interested, get your order in quickly to avoid disappointment.