The Museum is currently rated in the top three visitor attractions in Cornwall by Tripadvisor. Come visit us and find out why we're so popular!"
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Happy Yule
Monday, December 07, 2009
Friends Meeting 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Friends meeting Dec 5
'Harry' Takes a Break in Bournemouth
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Grey Chapel Gallery

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Cleaning Frenzy
Saturday, November 07, 2009
V & A Talk a Success
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Notification of Painting For Sale
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Occult Reliquary Notice of Publication

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
666 on Facebook
Joyce Froome at V & A Oct 30
Simon Costin Write Up in Telegraph
Monday, October 05, 2009
Dragons Visit the Museum

Monday, September 21, 2009
Richel Collection Prints
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Friends AGM programme Set
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Thanks to donors
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Baphomet Atop the Plinth
Thanks Exmoor Pagan Camp
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Joyce Froome's V & A Appearance
Friday, August 14, 2009
Message from Graham re use of Museum name
I would like everyone involved to know that we have not entered into any debate on this subject and will not do so other than to offer historical advice.
We have not offered any opinions on the debate.
As a matter of policy we do not enter into any political or religious discussions - this is not the role of a museum.
We will be delighted however to offer the use of our library and research facilities to anyone who wants to study the subject.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Hexenmuseum in Switzerland Under Attack
You can not imagine what battle we fight, since April, since the opening of the "Hexenmuseum Schweiz" the Museum of Witchcraft Switzerland.
We started very well and then out of nothing started a political discussion in the whole country of Switzerland. I can say, we made the Wicca Tradition very famous in one week. So everybody is more or less informed, that there is a Museum of Witchcraft Switzerland and why.
A politician of a fundamental evangelical party in the Swiss Government, he is also a free church
Pastor (evangelical and new testament advocate) started that campain against us and the Hexenmuseum Schweiz, first of May. (he never visited before the campain)
He said, that it is not a Museum, but a hidden organisation to attract people and turn them into witches.
Especially young girls from 12- 16 years, men and boys are not so stubid to be attracted (nice).
He said that it must be forbidden to all school kids to visit and that he ask the government to speak law that all people must be 18 of age to visit that "esoteric" place, where a "Known" Swisswitch and Wicca priestess is the head of Museum (me!) He also impeached, that only a person who is a doctor or has some title is able to open and run a Museum. And that I and my husband do not have any title.
That a priest or pastor should guide and lead such a Museum and not a WITCH, for heaven's sake.
He also impreached that we are not allowed to call us "Museum" (because of the hidden organisation- in his mind) and the name Switzerland. Because the word Switzerland in connection with "HEXE" is a pollution forthe country.
You may say, what a stupid man. Believe me, I thought the same, but in his role of politician he has ways that a private person does not have.
We were run down by press, media and all kind of reactions. Radio and TV. But we kept nice and quiet. I thought that I will not give oil in the fire. I gave some short and emotionless interviews about the fact and always said, that we are looking for the answer of the government.
The answer came! In July now. (They visited us in advance, they asked us a million questions, they sent experts and so in advance!)
The government of Switzerland says that: The small Privatmuseum detail is richly furnished and provides a clear and carefully presented brief overview of folk beliefs, superstitions, mythology, rituals and magical herbs, supplemented by biographical information and time tables. The contents of the museum follows a subjective selection criteria, but can in no way be offensive to minors or designated.
That they think that is important for schools to visit especially in Ethnic, religions, history studies.
That Wicca is a way of life and a natural way of religion and that is free to anybody to choose.
As we are a Privatmuseum and paid it all out of our pocket, we are free of requirements and rules. We made all needed licences in advance and we got them all. We can call us how ever we like, as there is a free name choosing for companies.
You can imagine that the guy is not happy with that descision and barked in the press that the government is naive and that he will not give in and accept that. He has proves from abroad that Wicca is occult way of a cult, and that he will show now in August before the Government Meeting and change their minds.
We hope not! Bless us and send us protecting energy! thanks so much!!!
Blessings to all
New Banners
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Friends Newsletters
Friday, August 07, 2009
Coastguard Shouts Aplenty

Sunday, August 02, 2009
Graham writes about the new tarot display

Creating displays from scratch is not as easy as you might expect, especially when you have no budget, but lack of funds can drive one to find more unusual solutions.

A duplicate Rider Waite was found in the archive and whilst I spent a couple of days laying the cards out Kerriann wrote the accompanying texts. We jiggled cards and text around until they fitted and in the end looked very impressive.
However, i

Inspiration came again in the workshop!
Before the flood we had purchased an old coin operated fortune telling machine. One popped an old penny into the top and the weight of the coin dropping turned a mechanism that span a pointer over a dial from which your fortune would be read.
This machine had been badly damaged in the flood and was sitting in a corner of the workshop looking unloved – it was about to get a new lease of life. The water-damaged dial was removed and replaced with images of cards from the major arcana and the mechanism modified to accept modern coinage. A lick of paint, some wood polish and a drop of oil and she worked like new! Drop a 2p in the top, the pointer spins and eventually stops – Hey Presto! you have selected a tarot card. Purl Wise has provided interpretations for a panel adjacent to the new display which may even raise us some extra pennies (or 2ps)
Still to add is a laminated copy of 'The Fool's Journey' by Roger Pratt , our expert tarot reading friend in New York (always like to enhance our trans Atlantic relations).
Lets hope our visitors appreciate all the work that goes into our wonderful museum!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Get Well Soon Adrian
Tarot Display
Some Gorge Reviews
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Latest News
Firstly the museum is featuring in the latest Lammas issue of Pagan Dawn so grab a copy to read the interview with Graham about the history of & future plans for the museum.
Meredith & Mandrake the swallows have built a new nest & are presumably going to have a few new chicks in the next couple of weeks - Graham has the camera trained on their nest so we can watch their progress from the front desk.
We've introduced some lovely new soaps handmade for us by Namaste Therapy - one features a witch & the other a pentacle. I'll try to get some pics on & put them on website on the weekend so you can purchase them online.
One of our favorite authors Owen Davies has a new book out 'Grimoires - The History of The Magical Book' and his previous one 'A People Bewitched' is back in stock. 'Grimoires' is a very attractive hardback with a fetching cover - it only arrived today so we have not read it yet but going by his previous works it will be well researched & highly informative.
By popular request, Graham has put together a 'Wise Woman's Spells & Charms' CD which retails at £ 4 . This is the sound track from the museum's wise woman's cottage featuring spoken spells and charms with the crackling of the fire in the background. Cassandra Latham reads the spells collected mainly by Levannah Morgan.
We now have witch key rings back in stock. They are not easy to come by for some reason.
That's all for now but watch this space for news on ........
MOW spirit boards & Joyce Froome's book
Monday, July 13, 2009
Pagan Dawn Lammas Issue
Not everyone realises that the museum receives no government grants whatsoever & is funded solely by visitors & a small amount of retail sales, that's why it's so important that you all come along to support us when you can. We love to see you and get your comments. I've started putting a comment of the day on the twitter site (witchmuseum is the tweet) so you can see what people are saying about us. I'm also mentioning new retail products that we get in to sell in the shop.
Eastbourne Lammas Festival Notice
Eastbourne Lammas Festival 1st and 2nd August – Western Lawns, Eastbourne Seafront from 11amThe Eastbourne Lammas Festival is a pageant of morris dancing, carnival giants and live music from traditional and folk-rock to modern jazz. Now in its 9th year, Eastbourne Lammas Festival just gets bigger and better. Each day starts with Morris dancing in differing styles, with hosts Hunters Moon Morris and guests along with with drumming from the Pentacle Drummers. As always Saturday’s Carnival parade at 12.30 promises to be spectacular. The Eastbourne Giants Herne and Andred will once again lead dancers, drummers and festival-goers along the prom from the pier to the Western Lawns. Anyone, of any age is invited to join the parade if they come along to the Pier entrance at around noon, though children must be accompanied by an adult. Feel free to dress up! Raid your dressing-up boxes, strap on a pair of fairy wings or garland your hair with flowers and join in. The more the merrier!The afternoon features live bands and performers including Touchstone, Magic Folk, Black Strap Molasses and the Blue Shift Jazz Band. Lie back and laze in the sun by the sea as you listen to the music. Bring a picnic or chose from the variety of food and drinks that are on offer over the weekend. The Beer Tent is run by The 1648 Brewery who brew their excellent Lammas Ale for the event.With clothing, book, jewellery and craft stalls and demonstrations, plus children’s entertainment from face-painting and story-telling to Mouse Town, Punch and Judy and bouncy castle, there is something for everyone.
Saturday ends with the ritual “slaying” of John Barleycorn, the Festival’s traditional rite, at about 5.30pm. Sunday ends with a Scratch Ceilidh which is a chance to kick your shoes off, grab a likely partner and dance on the grass!The festival annually raises money for the RNLI. Please give generously throughout the weekend.
For more information and up to date details of bands, see website
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
New Additions

Thanks Exmoor Pagan Camp
Friday, June 19, 2009
Swallows a Big Hit
The live stream of the swallows' nest footage has proved a big hit with visitors to the museum!! The staff have even got a sweep stake on when they think the chicks will fledge. Derek, the largest of the chicks, appears ready to take off at any minute. Meredith & Merlin are great parents & all four of the little chaps are still doing well. Check out the latest video.
In the meantime Graham has been working on some new exclusive products for retail & I've introduced some new cards based around the Richel collection. They are doing very well & I'll be putting some on The Occult Art Company website shortly. As soon as Graham's new products are ready I'll put some info on this blog.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Mandrake it is
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Cool Blog
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Wackiest Museums
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Recent Donations

An intriguing one is the Victorian face screen (museum object number 2032)
It is an"unusual petitpoint sheild shape face screen

We think this might be European - can anybody confirm this?
Anonymous Donation
Please let us know who you are so we can thank you properly.
Easter pics

PF Wessex
Friday, May 08, 2009
Anonymous Donation
When the envelope was later opened by Graham he was shocked to find that it contained £3000 in twenty pound notes!
Whilst we know that we did recognise the donor as a regular visitor it was a busy day and we can't remember his name. If you are that man please contact us so that we can thank you properly. Likewise if you know who made this amazingly generous donation please pass on his details to us.
The money will go towards paying for the new roof which has just cost us £ 60,000!
Thank you very much, kind, anonymous, man!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Donation to Museum from Tim Cutler

Friday, April 10, 2009
Kat Adams Donation
Friday, April 03, 2009
Builder's Last Day

Thursday, April 02, 2009
Museum Open
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Thanks to Volunteers & a Picture of Graham's Foot

Monday, March 30, 2009
Ray & Linda Lindfield exhibit
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Stang display moves

Here I am mid stang all woollened up as it was rather chilly despite being sunny outside. By the way, we're hoping the scaffolding will be coming down tomorrow. It was supposed to go on Friday but it's still there.
Farrar Donation

There will be more info & pics on this news shortly.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Cassandra Latham
Pre Opening Helpers

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Dried Cat Donation

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Hunters Moon Morris at Easter
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Request for research volunteers
Dear Friends,
I had the privilege of meeting many of you at the December gathering, but for those of you that I have not met, my name is Ashley Reichelmann and I am an American Masters student of Sociology at the University of Bristol in Bristol, England. For my dissertation, I would like to explore the role of the deity in the daily lives of women who define themselves as “witches”. Therefore, I am seeking female volunteers (over the age of 18) who are willing to share their stories with me as a researcher. The process would entail a series of qualitative research methods, beginning with a brief questionnaire, which—if you are interested—could lead to an interview and a focus group with like-minded females and myself. First and foremost, confidentiality will be the utmost priority. Ultimately, I am seeking to show the many positive aspects of Witchcraft, especially relating to its role in the liberation of women.
If you are interested, I would love to hear from you as soon as possible, but by June 1st, the latest. Please contact me at, or via post at 17 Woodland Court/29 Belgrave Road/Bristol/ BS8 2AA/UK, with your interest, inquiries or suggestions. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Blessed be!
Your fellow “Friend”,
Ashley Reichelmann
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Simon Costin's plans for a Museum of British Folklore

"I intend to establish a permanent collection and national exhibition centre that celebrates and promotes the Folk Culture of the British Isles. In 2008, I actively met curators, small museum directors and archivists responsible for existing folk collections throughout the country. My research also bought me into contact with the Charity Commission, several fundraising consultants and individual practitioners, writers and musicians, so as to gain a fuller understanding of what might be involved in the programming and day-to-day operation of a small museum. I have drawn up a number of diverse policies and agendas, which would affect the operation of such an institution, ranging from Health and Safety issues to Child Protection, Equal Opportunities to Financial Management Control in addition to the crucial Mission Statement for the museum.
The year 2009 marks an exciting stage in the progress toward the opening of the museum. At the present time, it would appear that the museum would operate as a Community Interest Company. Fundraising will begin in earnest in April of this year, as I take to the roads of Britain in a converted 1976 Castleton caravan, adapted specially to be a traveling Folk Museum in miniature. A taste of what is to come. I shall be touring the country to attend Folk festivals and events countrywide to raise awareness for the project. During my travels, I will compile a mailing list, discover what visitors to the caravan could donate to the collection, share their oral histories and experiences, and generally promote the future museum via coverage in local and national newspapers, television and radio.
A full itinerary of the tour will be posted in the news section of the website, and will be updated as I progress around the country. Reports from each event will be posted on the website's journal in due course."
We wish him well. Keep an eye out for the touring museum at Folk Festivals throughout the year.