The Museum is currently rated in the top three visitor attractions in Cornwall by Tripadvisor. Come visit us and find out why we're so popular!"
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Happy Yule
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Huge Seas

Friends' Weekend Update

Friday, December 01, 2006
Lovely view
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Friend's Weekend
I go away for one week......

Saturday, November 18, 2006
December Update

Sunday, November 05, 2006
Correction to Winter Opening Times

OOPS! I made a teeny mistake with the winter opening times. The museum will actually be closing at 5PM not 6PM as I mentioned in the previous blog. It has since been corrected. Sorry if this has caused any inconvenience. I have also been told that Graham did the actual carving of the happy smiling Halloween pumpkin and Carole had the lovely job of hollowing it out. I'm screwing up severely here. Anyway on a lighter note, thanks for the well wishes for Mavis. I must say she's taken to this recuperation lark quite well & has been glamorously tucking herself up in my bed under the duvet. She'll be expecting her pate in bed next. (Note to self: Must remember to iron pillow cases before next photo session)
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Glass Knitting Needles
Happy Samhain

Sunday, October 29, 2006
Winter Opening
Mavis recovers

A bit of an update for those who know my cat, Mavis. She was rushed to pussy hospital a week ago for an operation to remove a weird lump on her side. The lump was actually a large haematoma & it appears she may have had a bit of a scrap with a large black cat who keeps popping through the catflap uninvited. After a scary couple of days when we thought she may have passed over to kitty afterworld she has now made a wonderful recovery & is bouncing around like a kitten. Here's a piccy of Mavis (sporting operation bald patch) being adored by uncle Graham.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Congratulations to Harbour Lights

Last weekend Harbour Lights (across from the museum) reopened as a teashop. Who can forget those awful images of that lovely old building being swept away by those terrible flood waters? We would like to congratulate Trixie Webber, owner of the shop, on the reopening of her business. Those who enjoyed the items for sale in the previous shop should not be disappointed as the retail business continues to run across the river. All at the museum wish them well & it will be great to be able to nip across for the odd cup of tea.
Friday, October 06, 2006
The Hint is in the Name
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Calling Mike Fishwick
YHA open
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Born Again Harrassment

Some Born Again Christian dancers and preachers decided to set up outside the museum yesterday afternoon.
It never ceases to amaze me how arrogant and provocative these people can be.
They had no permission to perform, they did not have the courtesy to ask if we objected and they were noisy - electric pre-recorded music, etc.
When told that they were spoiling the peace and quiet of Boscastle they simply didn't understand or even listen.
Not a good example of Christianity! According to the leaflets they continue to litter the harbour with, even yoga is satanic! What planet are these people from?
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Award for Graham

Graham was most surprised and extremely pleased this week when Rhiannon & Martin Williams from the Pagan Association arrived at the museum with an award for Graham. This was the first ever award given by the Association for Outstanding Contribution to the Pagan Community.
Rhiannon said 'Graham has done such a brilliant job portraying a non-sensationalist view of witchcraft and paganism to the general public that we thought he deserved this award. The museum provides a much-needed centre for serious research about the subject and gives a positive view of paganism.' Martin also said that Graham should get the award because 'he's such a nice chap.'
The lovely carved red granite award is now sitting proudly in the shrine and the wine will be saved for a special occasion (like dinner). Thanks very much from Graham to the Pagan Association for this honour. Information about the Pagan Association can be found at .
Monday, August 28, 2006
Will in sewage

I found it at last. Here is a picture of Will helping us out just after the flood. He is covered in sewage & worked like a trouper along with the rest of his family. Please support him if you can. (See previous post.)
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Will's challenge
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Broken Witch

Some artefacts that managed to survive the 2004 flood have been unable to withstand the actions of a visitor to the museum who has damaged and partially destroyed two of our witches. The two witches in question live in the area where we collect for the Cornwall Air Ambulance. The hanging witch had been half wrenched from her chain and her arms and legs broken off. The other is a large pottery statue and the rim of her hat has been snapped off. Graham is trying to repair the more severely damaged of the artefacts but we are unable to locate the missing brim of the hat. Such a shame that people can be so vile. Luckily 99.9% of visitors are wonderful.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Cat's Eye
Here they are reaching for the sky in one of their dances, and some of the crowd enjoying the performance.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Richel Prints in Glastonbury

Some of our wonderful prints from the Dutch Richel Collection are now available at "Witchcraft" in Glastonbury. Owners Trevor & Liz visited the museum last week and were so impressed with the prints they asked if they could sell them in their store. They have both the large prints and the smaller size so if you're visiting Glastonbury pop in & say hello & let us know what you think. The prints are copyright the Museum of Witchcraft and are available in the Museum or online from . Here's an example of one of the prints. The original dates from 1837 & she's unusual as her broomstick is also a stang.
Witchcraft Podcast
Thanks to Karagan in Portugal for the interview. We love the music by the way.
Flood Anniversary
"I wish you all well, but I do wish Boscastle as a whole would move on from the floods - it's all we visitors ever hear about! There are still large poster signs up about it down the harbour. It really is time to move on ...Good luck for the season."
I can just say that we would like to get over it too but we are still only halfway through the reconstruction & still have another year of flood defense works and rebuilding. The majority of tourists who visit Boscastle ask questions and are still very interested in what happened on the 16th August 2004 and are keen to know what the next steps in the rebuild are.
When a 30 foot wall of water sweeps through one's tiny village carrying over 80 cars with it and destroying homes and businesses, it takes more than just a few days to recover. Sorry if we're boring you but thanks for the kind wishes.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Return of the Snowshill chest

Some of you may remember the beautiful wooden chest that sat in the last corridor of the museum before the flood. The chest came from the 'secret room' in Snowshill Manor in Gloucestershire which was once owned by Mr Charles Wade. The chest was badly damaged in the flood and has spent the months since being restored. Unfortunately the box itself was beyond repair but luckily the front panel, which was the most interesting part, has been saved. It is now on display in the upstairs gallery along with a few other items from the Manor. Note the amazing carved faces.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
New Sign

Numbers of visitors have been down recently & we believe it to be due to the building works being carried out around the museum & the harbor in general. Other shops in the village are apparently doing well. So Graham has commissioned a sign to face outward towards the river, hopefully catching the eye of passing visitors. It seems to be helping somewhat, along with our lovely flower boxes, which are making our corner of the harbor look a little more festive. Our window display smells rather fab too. The sprigs of rosemary we put there are warming up & giving off a lovely aroma. It might help people remember the museum as well!
Chinese carving expert knowledge required

Calling all experts in Chinese carvings! Since the flood we've been working our way through the storeroom, identifying & cataloguing artifacts that have long lay in wait of some attention. We have rediscovered a Chinese carving of an idol that was donated to the museum several years ago. The owners thought it was bad luck (thanks very much) so they passed it on to us. We like to think that it helped to protect us during the flood. Is that just wishful thinking? So here's where you come in. If any of you can identify the carving could you please let us know. Is it a Chinese deity? Is it Chinese? Is it Japanese? Any information would be graciously received.
The Times likes MOW
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Spruce up

Saturday, July 01, 2006
New Owl

Well, we'll keep trying. The lovely black cat statue which we had placed in the niche of the witch post outside the front door was recently wrenched from its home and smashed. So, on my recent visit to Crete, I bought a lovely bronze statue of an owl which Graham has firmly affixed in the space. Let's hope this one stays in place. I think it looks rather nice, don't you?
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Sticks R Us
I have always said that Graham has the ability to simply think about something and it will appear and sure enough Steve Patterson soon appeared with two lovely stangs for the new display. This was the first of an extraordinary sequence of stick donations.
The next stick to appear was Cecil Williamson’s old stick ‘Sticky’ which was bequeathed

Shortly after that a chap walked into the museum with a present for Graham – you guessed it, yet another stick. This time a beautifully hand carved flying witch headed stick. Graham had told the man how much he admired his hand crafted stick last year when he visited the museum. He went away, made Graham a ‘witch stick’ and delivered it a couple of weeks ago. What a lovely thing to do.

What could all these sticks mean? Maybe the spirits are demonstrating how much support we have?
Monday, June 12, 2006
Gerald's Typewriter

Calling Accountants!
We are currently asking for people with appropriate accounting qualifications and skills to put their names forward for the voluntary unpaid position. If you are interested in putting your name forward for consideration please email your details to or write to the museum at Museum of Witchcraft, The Harbour, Boscastle, PL35 0HD.
Aussie Connections

Farewell Peter Hill

We have fond memories of you Peter.
Graham and the Museum gang.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
A Table At Last

Library visitors will be pleased to hear that we have finally purchased a table for the library. We have been wanting to get one for some time but were waiting for the right one to come along. This one has an old world feel, but is not too big that it overpowers the room. We think it's just right. What do you think?
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Mary Ellen gets a face lift

Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Odinist Fellowship
Monday, May 22, 2006

Brownie was a witch and psychic, as well as a good friend to Cecil Williamson and this museum. She suffered terrible persecution from the press in the 1970s when they discovered that she was both a witch and a children’s ballet teacher. The tabloid press at the time thought that witches should be kept away from children.
This museum is indebted to Brownie for the books and magical artefacts that she bequeathed to us. We are now busy cataloguing & covering all the books and this bequest may force us to bring forward our plans to add more storage space to the library.
Enjoy the Summerlands Brownie!
Monday, May 08, 2006
Pagan Federation International
Monday, May 01, 2006
What's W?
Saturday, April 29, 2006
New Book by Paul Broadhurst
New Retail Items Proving Popular

Nice Surprise

We had a rather pleasant surprise in the past few days. Regular readers may remember the statue of the obsidian owl that was stolen from the post outside the museum several months ago. Someone has placed a little black cat statue in the space now & it looks rather fetching. We have no idea who put it there but it's very attractive. So thanks very much to the phantom pussy placer.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
As promised some more Morris pics
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Happy Oestre with Morris

Thursday, April 13, 2006
Friday, April 07, 2006
Stick it to me...

We've had some wonderful friends from Holland visiting us over the past week. Rosalie & Freya have been painstakingly going through all the four & a half thousand books in the library, checking their dewey numbers, shelf placement, and generally getting them in proper order. They had a break from indoor action on Wednesday when Graham got us all out harvesting sticks for the walkers who visit the museum. Here we are gathering the aforementioned sticks.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Surprise Visit

A bit of excitement in Boscastle today! Word had been going around that a senior government figure would be visiting the village to check on the rebuilding process and show support for the villagers and workmen. John Prescott arrived around 315 pm, stopped off in the Wellington Hotel for a bit, then strolled around the harbour meeting & greeting. He was very pleasant to everyone & agreed to a photo in front of the museum with Graham & I. Voila!