Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Library Now Open

At Last the Museum Library has reopened! The shelves are packed with the core library books along with the recently donated thousand or so.

The library is for research purposes only. It is not a lending library. We ask that researchers and students either call the museum (01840 250111) or email (museumwitchcraft@aol.com) to make an appointment. References will be required.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Library Returns

It's been several weeks now since our library came back from Falmouth. We'd like to thank KayTransport for moving the books back free of charge. Dave Evans & Steve Patterson were on hand to help with the unloading and all museum volunteers have been having fun reloading the shelves and sorting out duplicates. With all the recent donations we are doubling up on quite a lot of the books so we have decided to sell some in the museum to assist with fundraising for the ongoing refurbishment. There is a huge variety from fairly common books worth around £1-£2 to some rarer books worth considerably more. If you're in the area it's worth popping in for a look.

The Library is not officially reopened yet.

Business has been fairly quiet lately but we're hoping things will pick up this Bank Holiday weekend. The Spinning Wheel Restaurant is planning to be open this weekend and the Wellington Hotel opened last weekend, so the village really feels like it's starting to get back to normal. The Riverside Hotel is still in the process of being rebuilt and 3 shops are still total spaces of air at the moment but progress is being made.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Stolen Owl

Earlier this week an obsidion owl was stolen from the new witchpost at the front of the museum. Some of you may remember we found numerous owls in the mud when we were cleaning up after the flood. Steve Patterson carved the stunning witch post and conveniently left a space for an item of our choosing. The owl fit perfectly but was not secured. We felt it would be a very brave or very stupid person who would steal such an item from a Museum of Witchraft. Time will tell.

stolen owl Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

welcome back card made by local children Posted by Hello

May 9 2005

Welcome to the new look web diary for the Museum of Witchcraft in Boscastle. The previous updates on the museum's "post flood progress" were so popular that we decided to keep it going so people can see the ongoing developments.

The reopening event was extremely successful and Boscastle itself is starting to get back on its feet. Most of the shops along Bridge Walk including the Bakery and the Rock Shop have reopened but the Spinning Wheel Restaurant is now planning to be open for around May 27.

We are pleased to announce that Kay's Transport delivered our library books last week. Five pallets have been safely kept at the Maritime Museum in Falmouth since the flood and we are extremely pleased to see them back. It is a huge task to get the books back on the shelves so the library will not be reopening immediately. We hope to reopen in early June. I will announce the reopening on this site.

Mike Howard has donated over a thousand books which have taken us a while to catalogue. Other recent donations include all of William G. Gray's books and several interesting Crowley titles which will fill some gaps in our collection.

Graham managed to get a week's holiday and flew out to Portugal where he had a "restful but boring time." On his return he was touched to see Cornish Pagan Wheel Magazine had dedicated a section to businesses and individuals who wanted to thank him for his hard work and congratulate him on his well deserved Coastguard's Commendation for getting the ball rolling in the rescue operations during the flood.

There will be regular updates to this site and I will be posting photos as soon as I work out how. Keep checking on my progress in this exciting Blog world as I learn new internet skills!!